Chapter 34

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"Oh, relax. He most likely took the bait. Your message to him was crystal clear... and even if he finds one or two bugs, I've plastered his office and the hallway quite thoroughly. Trust me, he won't find them all," Yaten laughed, steering the car into the garage. Taiki rubbed his temples tensely. "I really hope you're right. Is the surveillance up and running?" Yaten grinned broadly. "Of course, do you think I'm a beginner or something?"

Then, he suddenly hit the brakes. Taiki jerked forward abruptly. "Are you crazy? Why did you suddenly brake?"

Yaten's gaze met Seiya's, who had just pushed Usagi away.

"Oh, I just wanted to test the brakes, you know, rust and all...," Yaten quickly replied, observing the two in the rearview mirror while parking. "Next time, please give a warning," grumbled Taiki.

The underground parking lot was bathed in subdued light as Taiki got out of the car. His steps echoed softly on the concrete floor. His gaze swept through the large hall and then fixed on Seiya and Usagi, who were standing at the other end of the parking lot. "Oh, great, you're back too," he called to them and positioned himself next to Usagi. "How was it with Kenji?" Taiki asked the group.

Usagi swallowed, the memory of the conversation alone stirred her emotions again. "I threatened him," Seiya came to her rescue. "You did what?" Taiki asked, surprised. "I told him that if he ever gets physical with his daughter again, I'll sink all his shipments to the bottom of the ocean," Seiya explained dryly. "He was about to get physical? Are you okay?" Taiki inquired, concerned.

However, Yaten's vigilant gaze was fixed on Seiya. He analyzed his body language precisely and knew that he had to have a detailed conversation with the raven-haired man.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Seiya was there and prevented the worst. But I'm really tired. I think I'll go to bed soon," Usagi said. Taiki put his arm around her waist. "Then let's go upstairs. It was a tiring day for me too. Yaten, if anything happens..." "I'll let you know... Why does everyone always tell me that as if I don't know that!" Yaten grumbled irritably.

Taiki pushed Usagi deliberately toward the elevator, while Seiya watched them with a wistful look. The tension in Seiya's posture was clearly visible, and Yaten, noticing this, unexpectedly elbowed him in the ribs.

"I hope your gaze doesn't mean what I fear," Yaten whispered to Seiya as they followed the couple to the elevator. "It's complicated," murmured Seiya. When the elevator doors closed, Yaten stopped and pulled Seiya around by the sleeve. "It's not complicated; it's our brother! And you're definitely ogling his wife. This time, you don't have Ruka here to bail you out. Seiya, I want to know what's going on between you two."

Seiya snorted but felt that Yaten wouldn't let him off the hook so easily this time. He pressed the elevator button several times before giving Yaten a dark look and said, "Upstairs, over whiskey." Skeptically, Yaten crossed his arms over his chest. "This better be a damn good explanation, Seiya." Seiya nodded briefly, and the elevator doors opened. They entered the elevator together.


Taiki carefully surveyed the living room as Usagi eagerly awaited his reaction. "And how do you like it? Of course, I'm not done yet, but I've already unpacked most of the boxes," Usagi began to explain. Taiki looked around once more, letting his eyes glide over the carefully selected decorations and harmoniously furnished rooms. He nodded slightly and then turned to his wife. "Looks nice. A bit more decoration than I'm used to... but that's not hard." A soft giggle escaped Usagi's throat. "That's true. So, do you like it?"

Taiki thought for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, you've done a great job here. Are you satisfied? Do you think you'll feel comfortable here?" "I think so," Usagi replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "It will surely take a while for it to feel like home, but I think it's a good start."

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