Chapter Seven.

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(No POV in this chapter.)

The atmosphere in the apartment the next day was tense to say at least, awkwardly tense. After Karlie's outburst all of the girls got into a huge argument, Cara obviously without any hesitation sided with Karlie. After all Taylor, was her closest and bestest friends, they were family and she didn't agree with the way Ellie was treating her best friend.

Taylor awoke that morning with a hangover from hell, lifting her head up in a morning was usually a simple task but not today. The agony caused by her hangover was like being stabbed a thousand times, causing Taylor to feel nauseated. The clingy arm of her girlfriend startled her, almost as much as the sight of the tear stained mascara down her pale cheeks.

Taylor's hangover wasn't the worst of her problems, although she hoped it would be. When she finally got Ellie's tight sleepy grip off of her, she tripped over disgarded boots and made her way to the kitchen for a quick hangover cure. Although she didn't expect to see Cara with the company of Karlie over.

"Morning." Cara lifted her head up to look at the state of her roommate much to her dismay. "Holy fuck, you look like hell."
Taylor rolled her eyes at this snide comment. "Well aren't you cheerful this morning? Now why was my girlfriend crying last night?"

Karlie excused herself quickly from the kitchen, she couldn't hear Taylor refer to Ellie has her girlfriend when she knew what was about to happen. Taylor wondered why the girl excused herself so quickly, did she know something she didn't. "Cara! What do you and Karlie know about this?"

Cara got up from the kitchen table quickly, scraping the metal legs of the chair along the tiled floor. Causing Taylor to squint in pain due to her headache. Cara dumped her cereal bowl in the sink, quickly rinsing it before placing it in the dishwasher. "You're better sitting down with your girlfriend about what's gone off Taylor. For once I'm not getting involved, you're a big girl now you can make your own mistakes." Cara exited the kitchen before Taylor even had a chance to process the words.

Taylor hesitated for a moment, flicking the kettle on before retreating to her bedroom. Ellie was nowhere to be seen, her combat boots that Taylor had accidentally tripped over that morning were also missing. "El? Are you getting dressed?" Taylor walked into the bathroom, which was also empty all except for a folded piece of paper stuck to the mirror. A note, with Taylor's name wrote on it.

Taylor took it down and opened up the folded paper, sighing knowing exactly what it probably said.

Firstly I am truly sorry that I am doing this on a note, I really am. I love you, and I always will but last night opened my eyes. I'm doing more damage than good for your health.
We should take a small break, just a small one. Tell Cara I told her to look after you for me, although I know she will. She's always protecting you, you're lucky to have a friend like her.
I am going back to England to see my family, and do some work sort out coming out to the world.

I'll text you in a few weeks.

I love you,
El x

With that Taylor broke down crying on the bathroom floor, screaming out for the girl that abandoned her. But she didn't come, the two girls who knew what was happening came running to Taylor's aid.

"You knew! Y-you both knew and you let her leave!" Taylor's voice broke from the tears. Cara rubbed the girls back and pulled her in for a hug, trying to soothe her best friend like she had done all throughout high school when she met her, and all throughout college. Like she had done when Taylor's parents kicked her out, like she had done when Taylor's brother didn't invite her to his graduation.

Karlie sat back not knowing what to do so she just watched the two friends, cuddling each other, Cara wiped Taylor's tears. "I'm going to kill her, I didn't know she was going to do this over a note." Cara spat to Karlie, who nodded her head in agreement. Karlie hated what the singer had done to Taylor and she was going to make her pay.

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