Chapter Three.

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Cara looked baffled at Karlie's hello, and smiled slyly towards me. "Oh! You two have already met, have you?" She subtly asked, I mentally sighed preparing myself for Cara bugging me all night long about whether Karlie was the said girl we were talking about. "Yes we have already met, I'll tell you about it over dinner. Oh something smells nice!" Karlie stated enthusiastically.

Cara let out a small squeak of excitement, probably out of pride at Karlie's comment. "So let's go eat shall we?" I asked noticing that Hayley, the short girl with fire hair was feeling uncomfortable. "Are you okay Hayley?" Cara asked noticing the same. "Yes, actually no I have terrible stomach ache, I'm sorry Cara I was really looking forward to tonight but all I really want to do is go home and rest." This couldn't be happening, Hayley was leaving, I was relying on her to be the person who stopped Cara asking Karlie how we had met. Cara looked disappointed. "Aw, Hayles that's fine. I will see you tomorrow if you feel any better babe."

With that Hayley nodded slowly, before re collecting her coat that Cara had taken previously. "Thank you for inviting me though Cara, it was really thoughtful. Goodnight everyone."
Cara held the door open and said her goodbyes to Hayley. Karlie stood awkwardly scratching her arm, staring at me. What was she staring at, did I have something on my face. "Was I staring sorry. You're really, never mind." Karlie rambled, before I could tell her to tell me what she was going to say Cara interrupted asking if we were ready for dinner.
Everything was peaceful. Cara and Karlie were talking about how they had met, how Karlie had bumped into Cara with two hot teas and threw them all over. I wasn't really listening I was to busy keeping an eye on the time because I knew Cara was going to ask how Karlie and I met next. I stabbed another piece of spaghetti and placed it in my mouth, lazily chewing it.
"So Taylor, how's Elena?" Cara unexpectedly asked which caused me to splutter and choke on the pasta in my mouth. Elena, is sort of my on off girlfriend, who's always busy with work so I never see her. "She's fine. You know she's on tour and I can't speak to her." I gave death glares to my best friend who was smiling evilly at me. Karlie looked confused, why did I say the word tour? "May I ask who you are talking about." Karlie innocence made me melt, little did she know.

"Elena, is Taylor's girlfriend. Well on-off girlfriend. She's better known to you and me has Ellie Goulding." Cara replied quickly before I could think of a reply. Karlie's eyes widen, stupid Cara and her big fucking mouth. Why did she have to tell her so much, a simple reply would've been significant. "You mean Ellie Goulding the singer? How did you two even meet I thought she was into guys and had a boyfriend."

Hmm, that's what everyone thought, Ellie's management thought it'd be bad for her career to be with me so they placed her in a fake relationship with a member of McBusted. Dougie Poynter, I hated him when they first started getting seen together. The way he touched her made my skin crawl, only I should've been allowed to touch her like that. Ellie stated that I was jealous for no reason which was true, but I saw red and things haven't been the same since. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Cara in the middle of telling the story of how me and Ellie met. "They both met at university, Taylor here went to England for four years, came back with a shy girl who became an international pop star." Cara explained to a pissed looking Karlie. Karlie had been giving me a look all night, ever since Ellie's name had been mentioned. "If you excuse me a second, I am feeling lightheaded." I escaped the room, not really wanting to listen to anymore of the conversation. Just as I entered my bedroom, Olivia ran herself across my leg. Before I could give her some love my phone rang.

A familiar British accent replied to me.
"Hey babe, it's me. I'm on my way back to Nashville do you want me to come round tomorrow?" Ellie asked bubbly.
"I haven't seen you in six months Ellie! You have a habit of doing this, it's pissing me off but I miss you so yes please come round. We need a talk." I hadn't told Ellie about starting AA because I didn't want her to worry but I knew now she was coming home that I had to tell her somehow.
"Okay, my flights being called. I love you Tay."

With a click the kind went dead, I sighed picking up the white kitten and throwing my phone on the bed. A tall figure appeared in the door way, it was Karlie smiling at me. "Sorry, I honestly wasn't eavesdropping. Cara asked if I could check on you, she had a feeling she had upset you. Who's the cute kitty?!" Karlie exclaimed pointing at the bundle of fur in my lap. "I'm honestly fine, Cara worries too much. This little girl is Olivia. Detective Olivia Benson to be precise." Before Karlie could reply I spotted my grumpy cat who had come out of hiding. "That there is Meredith. Dr. Meredith Grey." I answered, before slapping myself mentally. Why on earth was I showing this woman my cats, let alone letting her know I was a big fangirl when it comes to TV shows. On cue Meredith purred, not liking the strange woman in my bedroom.

"Sorry, Mere isn't much of a peoples cat, or a cats cat either." I laughed at the confusing statement that had just blurted out of my mouth. Karlie must think I am such a weirdo, here she is in her colleagues house talking to her roommate who she met at AA and I'm blurting out stupid things. Great going Taylor, she only came to check on you, you utter dork. To my surprise I looked up at Karlie who was glowing a huge smile on her face and her green eyes pierced through me, Meredith was up in her arms laying perfectly still letting this total stranger pet her. She hardly let me do that without lashing out at me for a good while first, Meredith is the anti social one. "What?! She never ever let's anyone pick her up, I mean I struggle with her she's so grumpy." I splutter at utter shock.

"Maybe she likes me? I like her she's a gorgeous girl, a bit like her owner." I was shocked by this statement. "Shit! I said that out loud didn't I?" Karlie placed Meredith to the floor shrugging at me. A frown appeared on her previously glowing face, I realised I never replied to the comment.

"Fuck it. I'm going to do this. I don't care if your girlfriend is Ellie Goulding or not."

To say I was confused was possibly an understatement, the brunette placed her soft hand on my cheek and moved closer to me. Her lips almost touching mine, before I could back away her lips were on mine but I couldn't stop myself from kissing her back. Until I remembered Ellie, fuck how was I going to explain this one? I pulled away quickly, giving the girl I barely knew an odd look.

"What did you do that for! Please can you excuse yourself out of my room. Cara is probably wondering were you are." I stood up quickly grabbing my phone and my car keys before running through the apartment, passing a very confused Cara and exiting the apartment slamming the door so loudly that it felt like the whole building shook behind me. I needed to clear my head before tomorrow, before my girlfriend gets off the plane, before she realises off someone else probably Cara that I had just cheated on her. Dear God, what possessed Karlie to kiss me? And why on earth did I kiss her back? One thing I know for sure is that this mess was-is far from over.

A/N - a bit of a shitty chapter I've had writers block. I know I've not updated Explosions or anything else but writers block is a bitch. I haven't edited this or re read it because I was desperate to give you a update on something so I apologise for any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy. (:

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