Chapter Thirty Seven

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Taylor re-buttoned her already torn blouse back up, guilt building in the pit of her stomach all over again. Even though she actually liked what she had done.

The brown eyed beauty laid still on the bed, resting on her elbow staring at the taller girl quietly memorising everything about her so she would never forget. "What happened to your tattoo? You didn't get rid of it did you?" These words startled Taylor, she remembered the day she had gotten matching tattoos with Ellie so well. They were both young and stupid, Taylor was only 17 she wasn't even legally old enough to get a tattoo in the UK yet they both confidentially walked into the tattoo studio and one thing lead to another. The smallest matching tattoos on their ribcages. The pain of the tattoo was still fresh in Taylor's mind, even after all the time that had passed. It was the best day of her life, the one moment she was ever truly happy. The day of their first proper date, the day she realised that she was falling head over heels for the older girl with the messy brown hair and the chocolate eyes. The girl who back then still went by Elena, not the girl who became international pop sensation,

"Yeah, I got rid of that after you left me a break up note. Smooth going by the way! I should give you the bill for the laser removal." Taylor snapped back, not really caring about the dumb tattoo, the only thing on her mind was the fact she had just slept with her ex yet again.

"What? I didn't break up with you, I was giving you time I was making you worse not better. Seriously is that why you fucked off with Karlie? Because you thought I broke up with you, Cara and Karlie told me to leave the night before. You really think I wanted to leave, I got told I was making things worse for you! After your suicide attempt in the past I thought it was true. Ugh whatever, come on anyway our flight leaves in a hour."

Taylor stood there dumbfounded for a moment remembering back to the morning her world came crashing down, the tears and bags under Ellie's eyes. The anger that Cara was throwing around, the fact that Karlie walked out of the kitchen after she mentioned her girlfriend. She should've seen what was coming right then.

"Why didn't you just talk to me? I loved you. It had nothing to do with my former best friend or Karlie. It was between you and I."

The shorter girl shrugged concentrating on tying her doc martins up. No matter what she was going to say she already knew Taylor would run back to the green eyed girl, she was in love with her it was evident in her eyes the way they glowed when she spoke Karlie's name. After Taylor was better she would go back home and run back to Karlie, but that didn't matter. Taylor's health was more important to her than who she was with.

"Tay, it doesn't matter now. You love Karlie. What we just did was a mistake, it'll never happen again. I'm here to help you, just like you asked of me okay? Nothing more."

The words spoken hit the blonde like daggers to her heart, a mistake? But she liked it, didn't Ellie too? Obviously not.

Everybody uses you in the end. You're easy.

Ellie stared at Taylor who was staring into space, she knew what was happening. Taylor hadn't been taking her medication and now the voices in her head were speaking again, something she had first experienced six years ago when Taylor freaked out accusing her of cheating because the voices in her head were persuading her of that. "Taylor? When was the last time you took your medication?"

"Not since before you left for tour, so almost a year and half ago. Why?"

And that's when everything that had happened in the past six months clicked into place, Taylor needed professional help again and everyone could see it but herself.

Ok soon I'll be relieving why Taylor said/thought the or worse thing when she was at the police station in custody. This chapter is slowly making everything fall into place. I know a lot of you are complaining cause the 'meddling ex' is back in the picture for now but trust me Kaylor will rise.

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