Chapter Forty Two

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Lots and lots of drama in my personal life kicked off over the last couple of days, hence the lateness of this update. Also the lovely British weather keeps knocking out my lame WiFi and my data plan SUCKS and it's basically killing me throughout the periods I have without wifi. I just love being a 90's kid.. Not, I can't survive without it, MAINLY because all my uni assignments are submitted online.

I feel like I need to re think my priorities because it's my online friends I miss more than being able to do my uni work 😂😂😂

"What do you mean he'll not remember anything from the past year?! He's basically lost a whole year of his life and you're refusing to give me answers" Taylor yelled at the helpless doctor, pinning him against the wall with the scruff of his neck. "Taylor let go of him he can't do anything, go back to the hotel. I'll stay with Austin until we get some answers. Here's the address to my friends house, pick Ayla up and get something to eat."

Taylor reluctantly let the petrified doctor go, seeing the concerned look on her girlfriends face not wanting a repeat of the events that happened on her last visit to London. Karlie handed her girlfriend the piece of paper with her friends address on, who hesitated as she took it looking back at her younger brother and hoping she was doing the right thing.

"I'll see you later Austin."

Taylor waved to her brother, and turned tip toeing slightly to kiss her the brunettes lips before leaving quickly.


Taylor had asked the cab driver to wait for her as she collected Ayla, she was looking forward to seeing the little girl more than she actually thought she would. The blonde rang the doorbell of the gated house, wondering who could afford to live in a house like this. It wasn't exactly a house it was a freaking mansion.

The gated slowly opened as a grey headed figure came out of the house smiling, gesturing to Taylor to come forward. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. Miss Swift right? I am Wilson Richards. My wife has spoke fondly of you."

Taylor was confused. Wife? Who was this man and how the hell did he know her. "Sorry wife?" Taylor spoke as the man shook her hand greedily.

The man was cut off by the little girl running out, squealing at Taylor. "TAYLOR I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH. I THOUGHT MOMMY WOULD NEVER LET ME SEE YOU AGAIN!" Ayla jumped up into Taylor's arms, snuggling her head into the blondes neck, hiding her tears from everyone. "Yes wife. Karlie is my wife, oh sorry dear it's not like that. It's purely for business, one day I'm sure Karlie will explain. But for now I have to go to a meeting, it was lovely meeting you Miss Swift, goodbye Princess Ayla." The man hopped into his waiting Bentley and went on his way.

Taylor was utterly confused at what had just happened but was brought out of her thoughts by the little girl in her arms, she had missed her so much.

"I missed you Ayla, I'm so sorry I left. I'm sorry I scared you, I am sorry for ever-" Taylor was cut off by the little girl who gave her another tight hug. "It's okay. Really, although Mommy was so grouchy at me when you left. She wasn't happy. Is she happy now?" Ayla asked shyly, as she put her seatbelt on all by herself.

Taylor told the cab driver the address and quickly text Karlie letting her know she had collected Ayla. "Honey, I think you should ask your Mom that don't you?"

The two girls got out of the cab and made their way up to the hotel room, the green eyed child yawning all the way up the six floors, that Taylor chose to walk up. Ayla jumped onto the California King, not really caring about anything other than sleeping, the four year olds body wasn't built for jet lag. "Missy get up, your Mom told me I have to make sure you eat. I don't fancy getting told off anymore than I have been today."

Ayla threw a pillow over her head, she didn't want to eat. When she was in the foster home her older foster siblings used to eat her share of food, telling her she was fat, and that she needed to lose a few pounds and those words stuck in the four year olds mind. "Ayla. Food will be here in twenty minutes."

"Ayla Kloss! I won't tell you again. We have to eat, I order room service, they're bringing Pizza." Taylor spoke up a little louder as the child tantrums, throwing the blanket over her. "Ayla, please." Taylor had resulted to begging, Ayla had defiantly inherited her mothers stubbornness as well as her looks.

"SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT MY MOM. NEITHER IS THAT WOMAN. I DON'T KNOW HER. I WAS HAPPY WITH MY LIFE IN AUSTRALIA THEN SHE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE SAYING SHE WAS MY BIRTH MOTHER. I HATE HER. I HATE YOU. AND I HATE FOOD." Ayla screamed on the top of her little lungs breaking Taylor's heart with every word, and unintentionally breaking her mothers who came to surprise the two girls while Austin was resting. Karlie had heard every word from outside the door, but instead of going in to sort her daughter and her probably infuriated girlfriend; the brunette called a cab, and booked the first flight home.


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