Chapter Seventeen.

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Cara had disappeared into her room, even though all the girls knew that she would be eavesdropping in on their entire conversation. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier and didn't really respond to what you told me. I didn't know how too, it hurt to hear all that. Someone so perfect shouldn't go through what you have." Taylor rambled on, not noticing the tall girl had sat down holding her hand out for Taylor. "Will you please sit down? I'll tell you everything if you sit down. I don't need an apology either, I know you didn't mean to snap."

Taylor sat down next to the Sunshine girl, head down staring at her feet, not daring to look into those emerald like eyes scared of what they'd do to her. "Where to start then?" Karlie muttered to herself. Taylor smiled to herself lifting her eyes slowly from the ground to meet the ones she was growing so fond of. "Start from the beginning, we have all night."


The room became silent for a long while after Karlie had finished her story, she knew that every word she had spoken had shocked the alcoholic. "If you don't mind me asking where's your daughter now?" A voice pierced through the silence, which was a relief for everyone including Cara who was doing exactly what both of the girls predicted and eavesdropping through her bedroom door. Karlie shuddered at the question, it was a question she was expecting and there was no where to run from it this time. "Adopted. Out of the country, and she's not my daughter anymore." Karlie replied coldly, tears filling her green orbs which hurt the blonde knowing what she said had caused the tears.

Taylor pulled the crying wreck of a girl into her arms, letting her bury her head into her shoulders until the sobs had quietened into heavy breathing. Karlie had never felt more safe than in that moment, has she whispered the words into the blondes chest hoping she wouldn't hear them yet secretly hoping she would.

"I think I'm in love with you."

Taylor smiled knowingly, hearing the warm muffled words that tickled her chest on the inside as well as the out. "Ditto."

Right it's short I get it and you still don't know Karlie's full secret but I promise it's all gonna come out. I need some time to myself for a few days though, I may or may not update within this time. So please respect my space if I'm not updating its because my mental and physical health comes first. I know 99% of you are good about it when I'm not updating but this is a message for the ones who aren't.

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