Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Taylor, you've been staring into space for a hour now. Wanna talk about what's on your mind?" Karlie questioned popping another piece of popcorn in her mouth as she continued watching some generic horror film that was on. Taylor furred her eyebrows together, not quite nailing the same effect as Cara's would but all the same this shut Karlie up. The flashback had got to her badly, she didn't see the point in talking about it. It would just rake up things from the past Taylor wanted to forget. "I'm fine. Quit asking me. I'm going to bed, am I.. Are we sharing or am I in the spare room?"

Karlie budged closer to the blonde she had been working up the courage all night for this moment. "About that. I was wondering, what exactly are we? Are we friends, are we friends with feelings or are we together?"

Taylor dropped her glass of water all down her front at this question it had startled her to much. After everything that happened in her previous relationship she was unsure if she could endure the heart ache again, no matter how much she was falling for Karlie. Today though Taylor was feeling brave, she didn't want her head to take control of her heart anymore, for once she was going to risk being hurt. Taking a deep breath Taylor whipped her shirt off, Karlie had yet to noticed Taylor had even spilt water on herself.

When Karlie noticed the blonde next to her in just a bra and her pyjama bottoms, it felt like her eyes were going to fall out. Taylor was utterly beautiful, the brunette wasn't even paying attention to Taylor's body, she would never be confident enough to do anything that could potentially frighten the girl off.

"W-what are you doing?" Karlie managed to stutter out unsure of what to say or do. Taylor smirked, trying to build up the courage to be all sexy and overpowering in the next coming moments but knowing with every ounce of her existence she would never pull it off. "I'm doing this." Taylor's voice was laced with seduction as she pulled the brunette on top of her, placing her lips on hers.

A tongue glided across Taylor's bottom lip, begging for entrance but she refused sinking her teeth into Karlie's bottom lip, tasting the metallic tang of blood on her lips. "Oops I'm so sorry, I was just really into it." Taylor spoke up looking anywhere but at her friends face, she could feel the blush in her cheeks burning away.

"Hey it's okay, I liked it a lot." Karlie muttered wiping the blood away with a tissue. "What does this mean for us though? I'm still confused."

"It means Karlie Kloss", Taylor grabbed her friends hand dramatically kissing the back of it, looking into Karlie's green eyes as she did so. "I am willing to see where we go from here, I want to be your girlfriend so badly, but you hurt me it's going to take a while for you to regain my trust. But I really do love you, so Karlie lets make this official, will you be my girlfriend?"

Karlie could feel her whole face hurting from the smile stretched across it, she could almost feel the blood burning her skin. "You're such a dork, of course I will be. Come on, let's go to bed."

I am aware this is short, I am aware this is cheesy. But I am also aware I haven't updated in a while, this took me like twenty minutes to write so I decided to publish it because it was the best I was gonna do with my writers block, also the best you're gonna get while I'm in this bad mood. So here you go, next chapter will be better I promise.

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