Chapter Forty Six

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Two months later.

Taylor watched the minutes on the clock tick by, waiting for the visiting hours to come. She hadn't seen Karlie in a few weeks, she was on some mission and Ayla had been sent to her aunts for her own safety. Taylor had finally found out what Karlie did for a living after the attack and she couldn't accept the fact her girlfriend would risk life on a daily basis.

A group physical therapists entered Taylor's room and carefully sat her up, before attaching the hoist to her and placing her in her wheelchair. It made Taylor feel utterly useless but the moron that shot her had probably paralysed her permanently and she couldn't think about the possibility of that; her mental health was bad enough without more overthinking and over analysing.

"Tomorrow we're going to try get you up and moving for a little while, in the physical therapy room. We'll all be there to provide support for you but the sooner we get you out of that wheelchair, the better." A redhead physical therapist chirped at Taylor, rather to happily. The group left when Karlie and Ayla entered the room, leaving the couple and young girl to it.

"Taaaaayloooor!!" Ayla screamed, jumping onto Taylor's strapped legs. The four year old hadn't seen Taylor since she was lying in the pool of blood on the basement floor, Mark had been demanded to take her out of the basement by her mother. "Ayla, munchkin get off Taylor's lap. You could hurt her more." Karlie scolded, although a smile stretched across her face. Happy that her daughter and her girlfriend had been reunited.

"No. It's okay, she's not hurting me in fact I've missed her hugs more than I've missed you." Taylor teased, sticking her tongue out at the taller girl. "I'm kidding baby, come here give me a hug! We can have a group hug." The blonde quickly piped up after seeing her girlfriends face drop.


After a few hours of pushing Taylor around in the hospital grounds the three girls headed back to Taylor's room. Karlie and Ayla left for a few moments as the physical therapists returned to tuck Taylor back into her uncomfortable bed.

"You look cosy now Tay." Karlie whispered, laying next to her in the bed; pulling her sleepy daughter up on to the bed to lay in between the two. Once the little girl was fast asleep Karlie could finally inform Taylor on the latest mission she had been on.

"So you found them both then? Will you ever tell me what they did, why they're after you, why you were after them?" Taylor snuggled into the brunettes neck, softly kissing her sweet spot. "One day, I promise. When's your next physical therapy session, I want you home with me and Ayla."

"Tomorrow, but my legs just won't work. Kar, I can't feel anything in them. Ayla is laying on them now and I can't even feel it. Ever since the bullet hit my spine my life changed. I'll be in that chair forever. Let's face it." Taylor moved away from the embrace, not wanting Karlie to see the tears rolling down her face. The blonde knew her girlfriend blamed herself, Karlie hadn't been able to look her in the eyes since the accident happened.

'It's my fault, I'm sorry.'

"No it really isn't, I was the stupid one who opened the door. If I hadn't opened the door I wouldn't have been shot, I wouldn't have risked Ayla's life, I wouldn't have scared her and I wouldn't be in that damn chair."

"Ugh.. you aren't going to let me beat myself up over this are you? What did I do to deserve you?" Karlie whispered, noticing that Ayla was stirring in her sleep; she had been having intense nightmares since the shooting.


The girls had all fallen asleep after a few hours of talking sweet nothings to each other. Karlie awoke at 23:59, which suited her finely she had something up her sleeve as she softly shook her girlfriend awake. It was finally midnight when Taylor groggily woke, up.

"What time is it?" Taylor asked, rubbing the sleep out of her deep blue eyes.

"Midnight, happy birthday baby." Karlie kissed her tired girlfriends lips until Taylor kissed back. "Wait I have something for you." The brunette mumbled against her girlfriends lips, taking the box out of her hoodie pockets; pulling away from the kiss abruptly much to Taylor's dismay.

Karlie opened the box in a blink of an eye, Taylor didn't even see what her girlfriend was up too.

'Taylor Swift, I love you and I want to be able to be with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?'

-okay, so here's a Christmas present for you guys seen as I told y'all you wouldn't get one for a while, no more until the new year.-

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