Part 2

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I wasn't going to post this due to the fact I'm in the worst state imaginable. I don't even know why I'm posting this but oh well.

The blondes breath hitched slightly, this had to be a dream she was going to wake up any minute now to the moment just before Ed knocked on her door with the worse news of her life and she's going to feel relieved that it was just a dream. Like that was going to happen, this was unrealistically real.

Karlie's teeth were now nibbling at Taylor's earlobe, making her legs feel weak supporting her body. Any second now she would more than likely slide down the floor in mere ecstasy. "I've missed you." The younger girl whispered, voice laced with pure seduction.

Taylor couldn't reply to the brunette, her body was screaming for more.

"Karlie... St-stop a second. Why are you here?" Taylor whispered hoping she'd get answers rather than sex, sex was the last thing she wanted despite her body screaming for it. Karlie smirked at the girl pinned under her, staring into her crystal blue eyes that were filled with lust and worry. Why worry?

"Taylor. Just kiss me."

The blonde did as she was told, being dominated was obviously something she liked which was new for her. Their lips locked as Karlie's and crept up Taylor's dress, pushing her damp panties aside.

"You're soaked.. You're enjoying this aren't you?" Karlie whispered into the kiss, raising her eyebrows.

Taylor moaned into the kiss as the taller girl slid her fingers slowly in and out of her, causing the older girl to grind against them. Taylor's walls tightened around Karlie's long slender finger. She was close, but there was no way the younger girl was done yet.

"I.. I'm so clos- OH GOD YES RIGHT THERE!"

The blonde reached her peak rather quickly for her own liking, she panted heavily as she started to ride out her intense orgasm unaware that the green eyed beauty was far from finished with her yet.

"Jump up." Karlie whispered to the sweaty mess that was pinned against the wall. Taylor hesitantly did what she was told and jumped up into Karlie's arms who then pushed her further into the wall, moving her body down and wrapping Taylor's long legs around her neck.

She needed, no wanted to taste the wet mess she had caused. Taylor's bundle of nerves stood erect and red from her first orgasm, so Karlie slowly rotated her slick tongue over it while sliding her fingers back inside Taylor's wetness. Each swirl and lick sent electric like currents all over Taylor's body, Taylor had never experienced sex like this before.

Karlie lapped up the juices, like Taylor would be her last ever meal, her last supper as the blue eyed girl shook and trembled against her. Screaming her name into oblivion.

With one almighty bite and one last lick, Taylor's second orgasm hit, coming directly into Karlie's mouth.

"Oh... My... God.. That was some amazing make up sex. Did I just squirt? I've never done that before" Taylor asked shyly, her cheeks painted red with blush.

Karlie placed the girl down smiling, giving her a kiss so she could taste herself for a moment. "You taste amazing by the way, and yes you did. I think I got it in my hair, but totally worth it. I missed you Taylor, next time promise you'll talk to me about your problems please?"

"I promise. Oh, hmm I hate to break this sweet moment after that hot one.. But I need to go to the hospital. Austin is in critical condition."

Karlie gasped slightly, she had only met Austin briefly but she could tell he meant a great deal to his sister. "Of course I'll come, I'll just shower first. Care to join me?" The brunette winked, ready for round two.

Ok, so I kinda promised a smutty chapter so I just added it in here. I hate writing smut cause I feel like I'm writing it all wrong. Like sorry if it's awful.

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