Chapter Eleven

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Karlie sighed, inhaling another puff of her cigarette; she had tried so hard to quit but much like her older sister she quit one addiction and moved onto another. Karlie kept her past guarded to herself, not even her closest friends or family knew what she went through but something about the girl she was taking on a date made her want to open up about every little dark secret.

"Oh, you're out here. I'm ready when you are, I just have to get my purse." Taylor interrupted the younger girls thoughts, wishing that she hadn't seen Karlie puffing away on that toxic stick. Karlie threw the discarded cigarette on the floor, stomping on it; she took a look at the beautiful girl who had interrupted her thoughts and it took her breathe away. Taylor looked stunning in an elegant dress, her short hair in loose natural curls. "Wow. You look stunning, you're absolutely beautiful."

Taylor blushed at the compliment, she could feel the heat radiating off her cheeks while watching Karlie's green orbs wander all over her body. "So are we good to go?"

Karlie nodded, taking the older girls hand guiding her to the cab she had waiting for them. The brunette whispered instructions and directions to the driver, before flashing her beautiful smile at the girl next to her. Taylor couldn't help but get nervous butterflies when Karlie smiled at her; lyrics formed in the songwriters head.

All I knew this morning when I woke is I know something now, know something now I didn't before. And all I've seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of mind making me feel like...

"I really hope you like where I am taking you. I just have one request, you have to wear this." Karlie held up a white blindfold, hoping Taylor would agree to wear it. Taylor felt the nerves she had been suffering from for most of the day resurface, resulting in a quick nod of her head followed by the slick movements of Karlie tying the blindfold around her eyes.


Taylor was frustrated she had been in a blindfold for what felt like hours, when in reality it was only fifteen minutes. Karlie finally spoke up again, instructing Taylor that they were at the location and to take her hand; which she did promptly.

"Please tell me where we are. I hate surprises." the older girl whined, causing the brunette to laugh at the impatient girl. "No, you'll spoil the surprise. There's one more step then I'll take your blindfold off- there we are. Right I'm taking it off now."

The blonde took a deep breathe, holding her eyes closed for a moment longer, she wasn't sure if she could trust herself to react rightly to whatever was waiting for her. With a nudge from Karlie, she finally opened her eyes gasping at the sight in front of her. It was the most beautiful place she had ever been in her eyes.

"Wow, it's amazing I've always dreamed of standing here. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but why are we here?" Taylor asked, looking at the studio in front of her, taking in every little detail. The soundproof glass, the computers, the soundboard; everything including the torn fabric of the desk chair. Karlie could see the radiating smile on Taylor's face through the glass, knowing she had made the girl smile made her melt. "Well it's yours. Only for a year, it was all I could afford but I was thinking maybe you could do some writing and produce a proper first album here. It's not much bu-"

Taylor cut the younger girl off, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards her embracing her in a hug. She had no words for the gesture, except the hug hoping it itself would speak volume.

Karlie looked down into the blue orbs of the older girl, she was falling harder than she ever imagined. Karlie promised herself she wouldn't love again after her past but Taylor was going to be the exception.

Little did Karlie know, Taylor was thinking the exact same. Writing the lyrics she had formed in her head all over again.

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just wanna know you better, know you...

Karlie lent in further to the blonde, so close to her painted red lips she could feel the warm minty breath on her face. Taylor desperately wanted the girl to kiss her again, like she had done the night of the dinner party, but she didn't want to make the first move. "I have something else to show you." Karlie pulled away taking the girl to her next surprise.

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