Chapter Thirty-Two

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After throwing her medication away, Taylor decided it was better to open the package from her mother. The package was only small so Taylor knew it couldn't be any of her treasured items she had to leave behind when she got kicked out, much to her disappointment. "Oh you got a present!" A little girl spoke, running towards the table to sit beside Taylor. "Yeah I suppose I have, what's the plan for today Ayla? I think your Mom has work so it's just you and I today."

"I don't know, can we go to a park?" Ayla asked, shovelling her pancakes Karlie had handed her down her throat. "Hey slow down, how can a four year old eat so fast? Karlie are you seeing this?"

Karlie smirked at her girlfriend and her daughter, happy that they were getting along so well, ecstatic that her little girl was putting a smile on her girlfriends face after everything that had already gone down this morning. "Ayla loves her Mommy's pancakes don't you baby girl?" Ayla nodded her little head, popping the last piece of pancake in her mouth grabbing her orange juice and downing it. "Can I have more? Oh wait Taaayyy can we open your present please?"

Karlie saw the way Taylor stiffened at the unexpected question, opening that parcel would open up whatever demons Taylor was running from. "Ayla baby go brush your teeth, it's Taylor's present she can open it whenever she wants. Go on teeth I have to go to work in a minute and I want a minty kiss off you okay?"

Ayla got down off her chair grumpily, giving her mother evils tears filling her emerald green eyes. "She's so your daughter. Here you can open it for me, but be warned its probably something boring." Taylor chuckled, handing the little girl the parcel and taking her plate to the sink as she ran off. Two arms wrapped around Taylor's waist, twirling her around into a hug. "Thank you for letting her do that, she's been moody around me for days but you come and she's like a totally different little girl."

The blonde smiled slightly, at least I make someone happy even if it is a four year old. "Don't you have a job to go too Miss Kloss?"

Karlie pecked the shorter girls cheek, still holding her in the hug refusing to let go or move. "Yeah but I don't want to go, I've finally got the girl and now I have to leave for eight hours. Can't I phone in sick?" The younger girl whinged, giving Taylor her best puppy dog eyes pouting slightly sticking out her bottom lip. "You're cute, but put the lip away before I bite it again. Go on you'll be late. Don't give me that look, I'm fine I promise. I won't breakdown the second you walk out of the door, Ayla and I will have so much fun without you cramping our style." Taylor pulled herself out of her girlfriends grip, sticking her tongue out running into Ayla's room without looking back.

"I'm going you two! Have fun. Ayla be good for Taylor please! I'm waiting for my hug and kiss you guys... Okay am I not getting one? Bye then love you both!" Karlie shouted through the house slamming the door on her way out.

Taylor had now gone to sit beside Ayla who was sat on the floor opening the brown parcel, her face screwed up in concentration as she pulled the string off the parcel. After a little help the box was finally open, Taylor was struggling to see the contents of the box due to the fact a nosey little girl had placed her whole body in front of it taking items out one by one.

"Taylor there's a picture in here, look and a letter. That's it. Aw is that you?" Ayla asked pointing to the framed photo of Taylor and Austin when they were both in there teens. Austin's arms were protectively wrapped around Taylor squeezing her into a bear hug. It was one of the last photos her family took of her, she remembered the day they took it so well it was the night she came out as gay. The night her father beat her, the night her mother begged him to let her daughter stay in the house one last night. The night Taylor ended up walking for hours and hours ending up on Cara's door step covered in blood, dirt and tears. "Yeah that's me sweetie, and that's my younger brother Austin."

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