Chapter Thirty Eight

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The flight to England was a long one for Taylor, she hadn't been in the UK since the incident happened, since she ran all the way back home where Cara was waiting for her so she could have her breakdown. By the side of her the singer was sleeping, or was pretending to be sleeping, she was in fact humming a song Taylor had recognised instantly. It was a song they had written together a few years ago, when singing was just a dream for both of them. Except now it was a reality for one of them.

"I know you're not sleeping, you're humming the song we wrote. Did you ever put it on an album in the end? I know you were planning on doing so but I kinda lost track to be quite honest I was jealous." Taylor spoke up, quickly regretting the words that had left her big mouth.

The Brit opened one of her eyes, rolling it in the direction of the tall blonde who was waiting for a reply. "Don't you listen to my music Taylor?" The younger girl shivered, she still loved the way Ellie pronounced her name as 'TayLAH' rather than 'TayLOR' it was a common British trait but it sounded cuter coming out of her ex girlfriends mouth even after all this time. "Honestly, no? Ok I listened to your songs on the radio but that's it. I feel like such a bad person now."

A smile crept upon the shorter girls face, she knew that Taylor was more than a tiny bit jealous but that just proved that she still cared about something. She still cared about the music. "I put it on my latest album, you need to listen to it Tay. Seriously we wrote it for us so you should listen, promise me you'll listen to it?"

The blonde nodded her head, placing the complementary headphones on to watch the crappy movie that was playing instead of having yet more awkward small talk. But it resulted in her becoming bored and creating lyrics in her head, none made much sense they were all revolving the green eyed, and brown eyed girls. Taylor's heart was torn in two. Taylor played with the paper plane necklace Ellie had given her a while back, how come she had never taken it off? That was troubling her. It reminded her of the time they decided to move the furniture in Ellie's old apartment, just so they could dance to music, laughing and joking about how bad each other's dance moves were. It was the night she gave her the necklace, they had so much fun that night. That was outlived, the very next day Ellie got signed and had to go into the studio straightaway. Taylor didn't see Ellie again for months after that. The next time she saw her after that it was at an announcement party to tell all her close friends and family that she was releasing her debut album and she was going on tour. Taylor's heart broke that night, they were never going to be out of the woods. The necklace was obviously kept as a reminder to herself that they'd never work.

'Your necklace hanging from my neck, the night we couldn't quite forget. When we decided, we decided to move the furniture so we could dance, baby, like we stood a chance. Two paper airplanes, flying, flying, flying..'

Taylor reached for a pen and the notebook that was in her carry on luggage, Ellie opened her eyes at the noise slightly surprised to see Taylor still had the note book she had bought her for her song writing.

"What you doing?" Stupid question Elena! She's writing lyrics, you utter idiot. "Never mind that was a stupidly obvious question to which I already know the answer of."

Taylor giggled slightly, it was always fun when the older girl got flustered, her brown eyes would sparkle and her cheeks would burn bright red. Overall the Brit looked even more beautiful whe flustered in Taylor's opinion. But she had to break her heart with the words she was going to speak next.

"I'm getting us, out of my system. Now if you don't mind. I have some writing to do, even though no ones going to ever hear these songs they're the only thing I have left."

The shorter girls smile dropped, her sparkling eyes dulled and filled with tears. She quickly excused herself, unbuckling her seatbelt and walking to the back of the plane to use the rest room.

Well done Taylor you've broke her heart.

The truth hurts. We would never work anyway, so shut up. I'm better off alone for now anyway. Taylor subconscious yelled at her voices taking control of the situation for once.

'We will be landing in a rather blustery London, England in approximately half hour.' A voice on the tannoy over head spoke up.

This was it, this is where Taylor would get better. No matter how much pain this country caused her all those years ago, this time she would make sure it'd be perfect and filled with happy times. No suicide attempt, no arrests, no being sectioning under the mental health act because your girlfriend tells the police you're a risk to yourself and others this time.

And there you are. Chapter 38 which is kinda boring but you know, drama, reunions, flashbacks, Ayla tantrums and Kaylor love all coming up in the next ten chapters. Oh and btw the TayLAH thing? That's EXACTLY HOW I PRONOUNCE Taylor's name, it's a Brit thing and I'm proud to say idc even though my American friends have such a go at me all the time for it. It's cute right? Or am I in denial?! I added the worse thing which happens to be Haylor related and turned it into a (what's a ship name for Ellie and Taylor, I think they need a ship name for their friendship because it's the perfect friendship ever ok I know this as nothing to do with the fic but y'all know I love them both so much.) anyway I turned it into a Ellie/Taylor moment so don't hate me. By the way I should be sleeping but I spent the last four hours writing 37/38 and even 39 and 40 for you guys. I'm that dedicated to my readers.

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