Important not an update.

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Please read.

I am really sorry for not updating regularly like I used to, it's just my whole world has kind of fell apart recently.

Work is hell and is killing me.
I relapsed on my self harm and mental health recovery.
Oh and I had a major break up too, so life's kicked me while I'm down lately. I just wanted to apologise and explain. I do love writing these fanfics but life just got in the way. I haven't even been on Twitter or been updating myself on Taylor which is really bad for me because Taylor is the whole reason I am still alive today.

Do you ever feel so shitty that the only person you want is someone thousands of miles away, who doesn't even know you? Yeah that's me right now I wish I could meet Taylor and have her tell me everything's going to be okay but that's never gonna happen.

But anyway, I'll be back writing soon. Now I'm going to finish off being a pathetic person and cry myself to sleep.

(ugh, sorry I sound like an attention seeker but really this was just an explanation honest.)

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