Chapter Forty Four

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Only sixteen more chapters plus an epilogue to go (: don't hate me but this story has taken it out of me so after sunshine ends I'm going on a break.

Taylor was pissed, she was actually beyond pissed. Wilson had picked her and Ayla up from the hotel telling them they weren't safe but refused to tell her why, and now she was alone in some safe house with her girlfriends daughter with no idea why.

Ayla was still sulking from her tantrum, she knew she was being ungrateful but she was tired and she wanted her Mom more than anything else. "Taylor? I'm sorry. I just miss Mommy." Ayla spoke up in a whisper, she was afraid of the sadness being evident in her voice.

The adult smiled at the little girl who was curled up in a ball on the couch watching some cartoon on the TV, she wasn't mad at the little girl not anymore she was mad at Karlie. Taylor wanted to know what the hell was going off, she'd just been uprooted from somewhere and placed into a safe house without so much as a word.

"It's okay Ay, I know. I miss her too, I don't know what's going off but I promise I will find out for you. Stay here, I'm going to see what I can make to eat. Shout if you need me." Taylor kissed the brunettes forehead, smiling as Ayla gave her a small hug refusing to let her go for a moment.

"Will you try call her?" Ayla asked, whispering in case the answer would be no.

"I will now, watch your show."


Karlie ran through the corridors of the abandoned warehouse ignoring burning flesh wound that pained her leg, the son of a bitch had escaped again.

Four years of hard work had just been destroyed, someone had leaked their plan and Toni and her boyfriend/assistant had found it out. Now Karlie was injured and now Toni had gone. Where was Calvin? He was always with Toni except today.

The brunette needed to find Wilson she had lost him in the gun fight.

"Fuck sake, Wilson where are you?" Karlie muttered to herself, ignoring the burning pain screaming through her body. Karlie made her way back to the entrance where her car was waiting, she needed to get back to the agency to report this.

The brunette collapsed in pain when she felt something drip on her head, that's when she looked up and saw it. Something she would never be able to forget.


"Karlie, I don't know where you are or what you are doing but I am worried about you. I don't know why Ayla and I are in a safe house but I don't like it. I have to go someone's knocking on the door, probably another agent, oh yeah thanks for telling me that bit of information when I asked you what you did for work. Anyway I love you and I've got to go. Call me ASAP." Taylor had finished leaving yet another voicemail to her girlfriend, fed up of not being able to hear her voice other than on her voicemail message.

The knock on the door came louder this time forcing Taylor to run and go see who was knocking so urgently. When she opened the door a man in a suit with dirty sandy hair stood there, smirking at the blonde staring and drooling over her like she was a slab of meat. "Can I help you?" Taylor asked, pissed off at the man who was currently staring hungrily at her breasts.

The man finally gave her eye contact, flickering his eyes to inside the house. "Yes you can actually." The man had a thick Scottish accent, it made Taylor's skin crawl. The man pulled a gun from his belt with one swift movement. "I need you and the little girl to come with me now! Scream and I'll put a bullet through the little ones head."

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