Chapter Twenty Six

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Taylor didn't want to risk driving, not after remembering what happened that night. She didn't want to speak to Cara about that night either, knowing that the closest person she had to family knew she had attempted suicide again made her nervous. "Are you sure you don't mind taking me to Karlie's apartment? You've probably not spent anytime with Hayley in days. That's my fault." Taylor mumbled, getting into the passenger seat of Cara's battered Chevy.

Cara sighed, of course she missed her fiancée but she had made it clear to Hayley months ago that her and Taylor come in a package, they were family and always would be. They'd never let a girl come in between them. "For the thousandth time Taylor, it's fine. Hayley understands, if she didn't I'm pretty sure she would've left me by now after putting up with your shitty attitude for the last few months."

Taylor nodded deciding it was best not to speak anymore until she got to Karlie's apartment, she was feeling guilty that she had basically been taking her anger out on someone Cara loved dearly instead of being supportive. The blonde was miles away, in her own thoughts worrying about what would happen if the police did actually lock her up for drunk driving and attempting to take her own life once again. Thinking back to the time in England when she slashed her wrist and over dosed on strong medication, the police questioned her so throughly she was lucky she didn't get sectioned. No one could ever find out Taylor's secret, not even Cara. The last thing she needed was everyone finding out why she was suicidal.

"We're here. You better go get your girl. If she's in that is."

The blonde smiled, looking at the apartment she had picked Karlie up from all those months ago, remembering the night Karlie told her, her biggest secret.

"I'll see you later yeah? Wish me luck." Taylor undid her seatbelt and got out of the car, nervously glancing at Cara praying she would walk to the door with her.

"Just go. I need to see my hot wife to be. It's been three whole days since I've had sex thanks to you! Ever the cock blocker, or whatever the equivalent to that is." Cara smirked, rolling her eyes before driving away from Taylor. Leaving her in the middle of the road, taking a deep breathe mentally preparing herself to see Karlie again.


Taylor was met face to face by a young girl, she couldn't have been more than four or five and she looked familiar to Taylor. A voice that Taylor had missed so much echoed from inside the apartment "Ayla? I know we haven't discussed this but you shouldn't answer the door you should tell me first. Understand?"

Karlie appeared next to the young girl kneeling down to her height and looking into her eyes, making sure the girl understood her. The girl nodded and ran back into the apartment going back to whatever it was she was doing before Taylor turned up. Karlie stood up slowly, not looking who was at her door until she was back to her normal height. When she was back at usual height she was met with the gorgeous blue eyes she had missed for so long. "Taylor? Wha- you remember me?"

Taylor didn't respond, just with a huge smile. Seeing Karlie with her daughter had made her heart swell with pride and love, making her fall for the girl more than she thought was possible.

Taylor had realised she had been staring at Karlie for almost too long without saying anything. She quickly stepped into the younger girls apartment, placing her soft hands on the girls cheeks moving her face closer to Karlie's pulling herself in for a kiss.

The kiss was more passionate and filled with love and lust than either of the girls had experience before. Karlie smiled into the kiss, realising Taylor had remembered her and was forgiving her. "Stop smiling Kloss." Taylor mumbled into the kiss. "I'm trying to show you how much I love you."

Karlie pulled out of the kiss, shocked and surprised at what Taylor said. "I love you too. Wait come with me." Karlie grabbed hold of Taylor's hand dragging her into the living room where the little girl was playing with Lego. "Ayla, come here please darling."

The little girl dropped the two Lego pieces in her hands, and ran to Karlie's feet smiling up at her mother. "Ayla, this is Taylor, the person I told you about." Ayla nodded smiling saying hello quietly. "Taylor, this is my beautiful daughter Ayla."

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