Chapter Twenty

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The taller girl broke down into tears, she didn't know what to tell Taylor in all honesty she couldn't explain what had happened in the last six months to her friend. Taylor cupped her hands on Karlie's cheeks, staring into the tear filled green eyes she had missed so much. Karlie hated that Taylor still looked at her like she was her whole world, she didn't deserve that after all the hurt she probably put the wannabe singer through. "I am so, so sorry. I, I. I shouldn't have come here." Karlie choked in between sobs.

Taylor didn't care in that moment that the girl in front of her had abandoned her for months on end, she just wanted to hold her, as she pulled Karlie close to her she felt safe once more. The blonde couldn't help but notice that the taller girl was a quivering mess in her arms, almost scared of being held. "Where have you been? Karlie please, what happened?"

Karlie closed her eyes, remembering everything that she had been through without Taylor, how was she supposed to tell her? "That night when we kissed was the best night of my life you know? But it turned out to be the worse in the end Tay."

Taylor was unsure about what that meant, did the younger girl regret kissing her? Did she not feel the same way? "I'm confused. Karlie, do you regret out kiss?"
Karlie pulled away from the hug taking a minute to stare at Taylor, oh how she had missed those blue eyes and those blonde curls. Lifting her hand up, she slowly traced Taylor's bare lips smiling remembering how they felt upon her own lips. "I would never regret kissing you. I want to kiss you right now but I can't because everything is such a fucking mess."

Taylor smiled, feeling Karlie's cold hands on her lips tracing them slowly. "Where have you been? I missed you so much, your sister wouldn't speak to me she only told me that you left the country. Where did you go?" Taylor begged, hating herself for sounding so weak.

"Australia." Karlie mumbled.

Australia? Why there? What link am I forgetting that Karlie has there? Oh shit, her daughter?

Both of the girls caught each other's eyes, speaking unspoken words the way Karlie glared at Taylor answered the silent question that was lingering on the tip of Taylor's tongue. "So. Did you find her?" Taylor whispered.

Karlie nodded her head, a smile appearing on her lips as she thought back to the day she laid eyes on her daughter again. She never thought that she would want her daughter in her life, but after seeing her again she knew she was wrong to give her up all those years ago. "She's so perfect Taylor. Her adoptive parents died two years ago in a car crash, they tried to get in touch with me but I hadn't given them a number. She's in care, Josh didn't find her, I think he gave up to be honest. Hopefully in a few weeks she will be back with me!" Karlie spoke excitedly without trying to sound hurtful towards her daughters adoptive parents. Karlie quickly grabbed her bag that she had dropped on the floor when Taylor ran out to get her some towels, she was searching for something she desperately wanted to show Taylor.

After a few seconds Karlie sighed, handing a small folded, crumpled up photo to Taylor. Taylor slowly unfolded the photo, over thinking everything Karlie had just said to her as she was doing so. The photo was of a little girl no older than four, with messy brown hair, tanned skin and piercing green eyes; she was the spitting image of Karlie.

"Wow, she's beautiful, just like her Mom. What's her name?" Taylor asked unsure of what to say, if this was the true reason Karlie had left her for six months why couldn't she have called? Karlie knew Ellie did the same thing to her and yet she did the exact same. "Her name is Ayla. Taylor I'm sorry I left. I was a wreck, you saw my cuts even though we didn't talk about them. I needed to fix myself before getting into a serious relationship, but I have had time to think and I'm pretty sure I am in love with you. I missed you so much." Karlie stared into fierce blue eyes, Taylor was angry and Karlie could see it.

"You're no better than Ellie." Taylor whispered, standing up and heading towards the door. She couldn't do this, she wasn't mentally prepared for any mind games and she wasn't prepared for her heart to get broken all over again.

You were all I wanted, but not like this. 

A/N since has this is an au and Taylor is inspiring to be a singer, these next few chapters are gonna be inspired by some of her actual song lyrics so yeah. Don't hate me I promise Kaylor will reunite once again, just after some major drama. Btw to elaborate the worse part of Karlie's night that night they kissed is she found out her daughters parents had died by doing research basically. Don't worry they'll be a flash back to that too.

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