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Chapter 51

'Okay Deku, show us what you've got'. Nezu says, sipping his tea.

I see Deku slowly walk up to the front of the staff room, he seems to be vibrating. Anxiety prehaps?

'Uh' he coughs. 'H-hi everyone'. I smile at him, trying to reassure him with my eyes. He's got this.

He smiles back at me, and I can see him visibly calm down.

'Erm, so, I think I have a theory on what happened with Sho in the fortress.' He breathes in, holds it, then breathes out. I smile at him again.

'Let's hear it!' Papa says, smiling his signature smile. 

'I believe Aoto is similar to Toga. He can posess, and at certain moments, obtain a persons quirk'.

I look around at everyones faces. I think they're all in shock.

'Wait, so how exactly does it work?' Deku clears his throat.

'I believe that age factors into it. The younger the individual when first posessed, the easier it is to steal their quirk. Like Dabi for example. Aoto completely posessed him at thirteen.'

'Makes sense. Toga's nineteen, right?' Nezu says. Deku nods. 'And Natuso is twenty one'.

'The whole of class A is around eighteen as well, so makes sense '. Dad says.

'Right' Deku says. 'We have no idea how long Compress or Chisuke have been possessed for either.'

'So you're telling me Aoto posesses, and then has a whole bunch of quirks he can play with?' Vlad says, intrigued.

'Not entirely. We believe that it is only currently posessed individuals can have their quirk stolen.' Deku responds.

'But how is this connected to Shoto's blood quirk?' Dad says. Deku smiles.

'We believe that Aoto and Shoto are somehow intwined. If we look at the Serpenters, they almost seemed like one mind, even though they were born in two seperate bodies. Shoto is therefore likely able to access Aoto's quirk-

'-which explains his suddenly blood manipulation!' Papa says. 'It was Chisuke!' Deku nods excitedly. I can see him getting energized now. If I look really closely, I can see small whisps of green electricity buzz from his hands. It's really cute.

'We also believe scale plays into it. The more people posessed, the harder it is to stay in control' Hitoshi says. 'Sort of like my brainwash'. Nezu nods, understanding.

'Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.' Nezu says, clapping his hands. 'Are you sure you were quirkless when you were born? You could have a tad bit of high specs in you'. Deku goes red with the compliment.

'N-no im nowhereassmartasyouNezureallyI-' I walk over and take his hand, stopping him in his tracks.

'You are smart, idiot' I say, smiling. He returns my smile.

'But we also think that posessed individuals have some sort of agency, especially when they are not the primary vessel. Chisuke described it as being in a dream. Dating Natsuo was of his own violation. We think Aoto saw the benefits of the relationship and didn't intervene'.

'Thank god' Papa says. 'I was worried about that. Would've been pretty gross otherwise'. Everyone nods in agreement.

'But how did you get Aoto to save Sho? If his whole plan was to make him vacate the body, why would he suddenly help?' Vlad asks.

'Because of me' Hitoshi says. 'I was battling Aoto for Sho's conciousness'.

Papa whistles, impressed. 'My mind is absolutely blown' he says. 

'It gets even better' Deku says, smiling. 'We have reason to believe that Sho's quirks aren't even hellflame and ice'.

Everyone's mouths drop open. He smiles. I can really see him getting into it now.

'We think that Sho's quirkless like myself'. I see everyones mouths fall even lower.

'Just like One for All, Aotos quirk works better if the host is quirkless'.

Vlad interjects 'So then-'

'-my fire is from Dabi. We think my ice is from my mother'. I say. I can tell everyone is absorbing the information the best that they can. 

'But surely you would've been able to use Compress's ability? Or even Chisukes? Why up until now have you only been using those two'? Vlad asks.

'Because I never tried' I respond. 'But when Hitoshi ordered me to stay alive, my body responded by doing everything it could. Which, in turn, made me access Chisukes quirk, via Aoto.' I smile.

'Which leads us to our next hypothesis'. Deku says, grinning.


Everyone is gathered around me in the staff room. I breathe shakily. Deku holds my hand. 'You've got this'. I smile. Dad removes my bracelet.

I turn to Hitoshi. 'I'm ready'.

'Ae you sure?' He asks. 'Yes' I respond, and I feel my conciousness slipping away.

'Shoto, compress the pen on the desk' He orders. I feel this weird energy running through my veins, sort of like pins and needles. My arms begin to tense, and I feel like I'm squshing foil into a ball.

A golden orb appears around my hand, engulfing the pen, then shrinking. I feel Hitoshi relase me. 

Everyone gasps.

'Okay, now try and use flames.' Deku asks. I open my right hand. Nothing. It feels really weird.

'Because Dabi is no longer posessed, he no longer has access to the quirk!' Nezu concludes. Deku nods.

'So, theoretically, we can deduce who he is posessing at any given moment, based on which quirks Sho is able to access' Nezu states. Deku nods excitedly.

'This is amaziing! We finally have the upper hand for once!' Dad grins.

'That was astounding deduction work Deku, I am incredibly impressed' Nezu congratulates. Deku turns red.

'Oh, erm, thank you' he says, embarrassed.

'I never knew that quirks manifested so differently in twins' Papa says, impressed.

'It was the Serpenters that made me figure it out' Deku says. 'I spoke to Kacchan in length about it. I realised that each serpenter only had a single quirk, one with Agility, and another with Swordkill, but they were able to share them with ease'.

'Sort of like One for All' All Might says, finally speaking. 'The merging of the souls allow for usage of all quirks'.

Deku nods again. 'I guess over time Sho would've eventually figured this out, but Hitoshi's brainwash allowed for this to happen sooner'.

'I deduce then that Sho should try and use everyone's quirks to see who is safe, and who is not' Nezu says.

'Absolutely not!' Papa responds. 'My son needs to rest. He almost died four hours ago!' I can see his eyes flicker red. 

'Of course Eraser. I wouldn't want anything else'. Nezu says.

'Okay then kiddo, back to the infirmary' Papa says, placing a hand on my shoulder. 'Can I stay with him?' Deku asks. 

Papa looks at Dad, who nods. 'Sure thing.'

'And Denks?' Hitoshi asks.

'I think-'

Suddenly, I drop to the floor, and my head sears with pain. What the fuck is happening? Is my neck reopening? No, it hurts on my forehead...

'HOLY SHIT' Papa yells. Dad activates his quirk, and my pain immediately goes.

'ZASHI. GET TO THE HOUSE. NOW' Dad yells, as Papa runs out the room with Vlad.

'What's... what's going on?' I ask. Everyone stares at me.

'You just activated Rewind'. Deku says softly.

Oh no. Eri.

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