01 - Violetta

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"Vilu!" I smiled brightly when I saw my father with Angie. Angie let go of my father's hand and ran towards me.

I let go of the handle of my suitcase. I pulled her in a tight hug once she reached me. "Oh, Angie, I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too, Vilu." She pulled back and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. My father had now walked towards us as well.

"Papá!" I pulled him in a tight hug. "I missed you." I kissed his cheek. He kissed my cheek as well.

"I missed you, too, Violetta." He grabbed my suitcase. "Let's go home." I nodded. Angie and I walked after my father as I told her about all the things I've been through in Europe.


We arrived at our house. I walked in and noticed that nothing had changed. Everything still looked the way it did before I left.

It was a lot quieter, though. I frowned. I turned to Angie. "Where are Olga and Ramallo?" I asked her.

Angie turned to my father. "Did you not tell her?" She asked with shock. Dad held his hands up in surrender and mumbled something about how he might have forgot to mention that on the phone. Angie turned back to me. "They moved out about a month ago. Just down the road, you could visit them if you'd like."

I nodded. "I will." I took my suitcase and walked towards the stairs. "I'm going to put this upstairs and then I'm going to visit Fran and Diego." They nodded.

I walked up the stairs. I opened the door from my room. It still looked like it always did. Pink everywhere. I placed the suitcase next to my desk.

I looked at all the pictures on the wall and on the nightstand. One in particuler caught my eye. I grabbed the picture of the nightstand and looked at it.

It was a picture of León and I. I smiled at it. It has been standing on my nightstand for, like, forever.

Even during the bad times. My smile faded and I quickly put the picture back to where it belongs. I grabbed a pair of headphones and made my way downstairs.

"I'm going now. Ciao." I put the headphones on and plugged them into my phone. I walked the familiar roads to Art Rebel as I listened to some of the songs we wrote when we were students of the studio.

Not much later I arrived at Art Rebel. It is bigger than it was a few years ago. I unplugged the headphones and pushed the large door open.

"No, no y no." I giggled when I heard Gregorio fall out towards some students.

"Papá. Remember, try being more positive, okay?" I heard Diego tell him. I smiled; just like the old days. "Vilu? Is that you?" I turned around and was met with Diego's smiling face.

I quickly walked over and hugged him. "How have you and Fran been? And the baby, how is the baby?"

Diego chuckled. "All of us are fine." Together we walked towards the office. Diego walked in first. I could hear him talking to Francesca.

I snuck up to the door. "Knock, knock." I said as I softly knocked on the door. Francesca looked at me with big eyes.

"Vilu!" With a big smile on my face, I went to give her a hug. "How are you?" I sat down in front of her.

"I'll leave you two to catch up. It was nice seeing you again, Vilu." He kissed my cheek and then left us alone.

"Yeah, I've been good. The traveling is a bit tiring, though." Francesca nodded as she rubbed her stomach. "But, hey, I'm not complaining. Now, how have you been?"

"Pretty good. I mean, like, the pregnancy is not always okay, but Diego takes good care of me." I smiled at her.

I adored her relationship with Diego. They can literally overcome anything.

"I'm glad he takes good care of you." I commented. Francesca looked at me with a concerned look. "What?" I asked.

"Have you spoken with León lately?" With a sad look on my face, I shook my head. "Oh, hun," she went to sit on the chair next to mine. Francesca pulled me in a hug. "Forget I even mentioned him."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Are you going to perform with us tonight, during the concert thing at the studio?" I asked her.

Fran sadly shook her head. "I'd love too, but I don't want anything to happen to this little one."

"I understand, smart choice." I said with a wink. "Sing one song with Cami and me though? It feels like forever since we have done that."

"Yes, of course. I'll always want to sing with you two, no matter what." We both smiled at each other and hugged each other once again. "But the songs that we don't have to dance in, I'll perform with all of you." She added.

"Alright," I said after another good half hour of catching up, "I should head out now. I will see you tonight, yes?" Francesca nodded. "Good." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then left the office.

As I walked out, I ran into Gregorio. "Ah, Violetta, it has been a while."

I nodded. "It has. But I was just heading out, it was good to see you again though." Gregorio smiled.

"Likewise." He nodded.


As I opened the door to my house, the sound of the piano filled my ears.

"Abro mi corazón a ti,"

I walked towards the piano, where Ludmila was playing Mas Que Dos. I put my hand on her shoulder and sang along.

"La luz se hace mas fuerte en mí, cuando tu estás puedo dar mas,"

"Sube el telón y que comience a sonar,"

I twirled aroud the room as I sang with Ludmila.

"Tu voz y mi voz, en una misma canción."

Ludmila finished the song. She stood up from the chair and hugged me. "It's been quite some time since we have done that." She said.

"Too long." I said. While clapping, Angie walked in the room.

"That was beautiful, girls." She gave each of us a hug. "I can not wait to hear you sing tonight."

Hola! So here's the first real chapter of the story. The picture attached to this chapter is the picture Vilu picks up from her nightstand. Oh right, who's POV I'm using will be in the title of the chapter.

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