10 - Violetta

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"Oh, now I want to have a baby, too!" I said as I looked at all the cute baby things. Fran chuckled.

"Won't take you long if you and León keep having sex every night." She joked. I playfully hit Fran on the upperarm. "Hey! Don't hit the pregnant lady!"

I rolled my eyes. We walked over to the cribs. "Oh my God! Fran, this one is so cute!" I pointed at an oval crib.


Francesca and I had wandered around the store for about three more hours until we had everything we needed.

We arrived at Diego and Fran's house. "Diego! We're home!" Fran shouted as we walked through the door.

We walked towards the living room where Diego was watching tv. Fran sat down next to him while I sat down on an armchair. I awkwardly looked around as Fran showed him pictures of the things we bought.

I cleared my throat. "Should I just go home? I don't want to ruin the moment." I stood up.

"No, Vilu! Wait!" I turned back around. "We have to ask you something. Sit back down, please." Fran said.

I did as Fran told me and sat back down in the armchair again. "Okay. So, you're my best friend," she started, "and you're a good friend of Diego."

"Get to the point, babe." Diego said with a chuckle. I shook my head with a smile.

"Right, okay. We would love you to be the godmother of our baby. So will you be the baby's godmother?" Francesca and Diego looked at me with a smile. I looked at them with wide eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" I jumped up and pulled them in a hug. "I'll be fun auntie Vilu." I joked.


I was sitting in a boring meeting with my label. We were talking about the release of Our Way.

"Violetta." I snapped back to the meeting. "We want you to sing the song with our new artist, Matty."

I frowned. "But he's like sixteen years old." I told them. They all shrugged. They all went back to their previous conversation. "I want to sing it with León." I loudly said.

Everyone stopped talking. They looked at me and blinked. "León Vargas? That guy from that boyband?" One laughed. I nodded.

I crossed my arms. "It's going to be León or the song won't be released." I said.

"Violetta, you can't make those decisions." A woman said and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I can. It's my song." I said. Some people also rolled their eyes. "Fine. Then the song won't be released." I stood up and walked out of the room.

I grabbed my coat and left the building. "I'm not going to sing that song with some sixteen year old! Have these people gone nuts?!" I muttered to myself. "Sorry." I said as bumped into someone.

"Violetta?" I looked up and saw Clement. "That has been a while!"

"It has! Why weren't you at the reunion last week?" We began to walk together. Clement sighed.

"We would have loved to be there, but we were on our honeymoon." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You got married?" I gave Clement a hug. "When?"

"Just two weeks ago. Gery and I had a small wedding with only family." He answered. I nodded. We continued walking in the direction of my building. "So, what go you all upset?"

"Just my label." I said with a sigh. "They want me to sing a duet with some sixteen year old." I explained. "León had helped me to translate the song and I wanted to sing it with him."

Clement nodded. "I would love to stay and chat, but I need to get to work. Maybe we can catch up another time?"

"Yes, of course!" We said goodbye and both went in different directions. After walking for about ten more minutes I arrived at my apartment building.

I opened the door and went to my floor. I opened the door to my apartment. I went straigt to the couch and fell down on it. I took a pillow and screamed into it.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket. I got to phone out and looked at the caller. With a smile I answered, "hey there."

"Hey. How are you?" León asked.

"I'm fine. Just a little bit tired. Any reason you're calling?" I curiously asked. León chuckled on the other side of the phone.

"Can't I call my beautiful girlfriend without a reason?" I giggled. "But, I was wondering if you could come to our place? I need to tell you something."

"Yes, sure. I'll be there in a few." I said. "I love you." I added with a big smile.

"I love you, too." He replied, which made me smile wider.

He loves me!

I grabbed my handbag and quickly walked out of the apartment. All the way to our place I kept wondering what León would have to tell me.

I hope it's nothing bad.

I couldn't have been more wrong..

What do you think León told her?? Did I maybe foreshadow something??

Fan art by: @violetta_never_end
Feel free to send fan art for any of my stories!

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