23 - Violetta

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I walked downstairs in one of León's blouses. Everything went unbelievably fast the past few weeks. León had many talks with the manager of the band. He was let back without any troubles. I looked at the many suitcases near the door.

The boys are leaving for Mexico tonight. In two days they would have their first performance. I would miss having León here. He was such a sweetheart during this pregnancy. Always putting me and the baby before himself.

León convinced the tour manager to have tour in Argentina around my due date. That way he could be in Buenos Aires in no time. Sort of. At least, it wouldn't take him so long to get here. I saw him sitting at the kitchen table, with his phone in his hands.

"Hey." I sat down in front of him. He looked up from his phone. We both gave each other weak smiles. We both knew this is what he wanted, but we both wanted him to stay. "Are you excited?" I asked. León shrugged.

"I'd rather stay here with you."

I sighed. "León, please don't start. You want to go on tour. Everyone knows." I took the phone out of his hands and put my hands on top of his. He looked at me with sad eyes. He stood up from his chair. He pulled me out of mine. He gave me a big hug. I held him tight. "We'll miss you." I mumbled.

León kissed my head. "I'll miss you two, too." Our heads both shot towards the clock. He picked me up from the ground. "We still have some time." He carried me to our bedroom.


I stood next to Ludmila at the airport later that day. "What a familiar scene, huh?" I nodded in response. She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me close to her. "Do you want me to spend the night at yours? So you won't be alone?"

I nodded with a smile. "I'd like that." Naty and Cami also stood with us now. We all watched as the boys walked away. I prayed to God that León wouldn't turn around. I wouldn't be able to handle that. I saw Andrés wrap an arm around his shoulder.

I quickly wiped a tear away.

"Come on, let's go home." I nodded and followed the girls outside. Quite a few photographers had arrived. My eyes were blinded by the bright lights. Ludmila held my hand as she helped me towards the car. Cami and Naty had to go to the Studio, so they went with their own car.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "I forgot how annoying they were." I muttered to myself.

Ludmila let out a small chuckle. "I can't believe you forgot. But then again, you've locked yourself up in your house for the past few months." She began the car. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Ludmi, I've been thinking. After the baby is born, I think I'm going to quit my career. Or at least, for a few years to look after the baby. Seeing as León is back with the band and everything." Ludmila nodded.

"You know, I think after this tour, the boys will all want to start having a family." She drove out of the airport parking lot. "Fede and I have been talking about it." I looked at her. Is she trying to tell me something? "León will probably go back to motor crossing."

I nodded in agreement. He did always say he would. "But back to you and Fede, is there something I should know?"

Ludmila looked at me. "No." She quickly responded. I raised an eyebrow at her.  She groaned and turned her head back to the road. "Maybe." My eyes widened. "We've been doing it unprotected because we want to have a baby. But so far, not so great." She muttered the last part.

I placed my hand on her shoulder.  "It'll happen when you least expect it."


Ludmila and I decided to have dinner with my dad and Angie. Angie was very happy to see us. "Are you okay? Now that León went back to the band?"

We sat down in the living room. I nodded. "Yes. This is what he wants and I don't want to hold him back from living his dream. On another note, we went to taste cakes!" I told them all about that day at the bakery.

Ludmila shook her head with a smile. "You two are such little kids."

I grinned. "I know." I looked over at Angie. "Where's dad?" She nodded her head towards his home office. "Is he busy?" She shrugged. She went to have a conversation with Ludmila. I stood up from the couch. I softly knocked on the door. "Dad?"

I opened the door slightly. "Vilu, honey, come in." He put the Phone down. I went in his office and took a seat in front of him. "How are you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, good. This little one has been bugging me all day though. He must feel sad about León leaving as well." I said with a weak smile. Dad returned that smile.

"I'm very proud of you. For letting him live his dream. Most women wouldn't do that." Dad came over and pulled me in a hug. "And did you find out the gender of the baby, then?"

I shook my head. "Nope. But I have a very strong feeling that this little one is a boy." I told my dad. He laughed. Together we walked out of the office and joined Ludmila and Angie on the couch. We talked about a lot that evening.

About León, Federico, the baby, Fede and Ludmi who want to have a baby, dad and Angie who want to adopt a child. "Why not get a baby of your own?" I asked. Angie looked down, as did my father. "Did I say something?"

My father took my hand. "Honey, Angie can't have children." Ludmila and I frowned. We went over to Angie and gave her a big hug.

"Forget I even brought it up." I gave Angie a kiss on her cheek. She just smiled at us as she gave us another hug.

Hope you liked it, because I didn't have much inspiration! Anyone had a favourite part? Let me know in the comments! x 

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