13 - Diego

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"It's a girl!" With tears in my eyes I watched as they put the little girl on Francesca's chest.

I crouched down next to the bed and caressed her small cheek. "She's beautiful." I gave Francesca a kiss on the cheek.

"Have you chosen a name for her?" A nurse asked as she stood in front of us with a clipboard. We nodded.

"Aria Carla Hernández." I told the nurse. She nodded and wrote it down on a paper.

"Alright, because she's born with only thirty-four weeks, we need to do some extra tests. This won't take long." Aria was taken out of Francesca's arms. "You're allowed to come with us, Sir."

I looked over at Francesca who nodded. The nurse began to leave with Aria. I pecked Fran's lips. "I won." I mumbled and winked at her. As I walked away I could hear her chuckle.


I pushed Aria's crib back in the room. "Where are Violetta and Ludmila?" Francesca shrugged.

"I believe they went to get something." I placed the crib next to Francesca's bed. I carefully took the girl out and placed her in Fran's arms.

"Come sit here." Francesca moved over a bit. I went to sit next to her. Aria wrapped her little hand around my finger.

"I love you. Both." Francesca looked at me with a smile. She pressed her lips to mine. A soft knock on the door interupted us. "Come in!"

Violetta and Ludmila walked in with each a handful of pink balloons and in their other hand they held a present.

They walked over to the bed. "Is she all fine?" Violetta asked. Fran looked over at me. I sighed.

"She might have some problems with her lungs." I explained. I looked down at my little princess. "She has to stay here for a few nights."

Violetta stroked her cheek. "She's really cute, though." Ludmila agreed with her. "Oh, right, we have presents." She and Ludmila handed me their presents and tied their balloons to the bed.

I took Aria out of Francesca's arms and layed her back down in her crib. "Open them. That one first." Ludmila pointed at the present she handed Francesca. "They're both from Vilu and I."

They smiled as we opened the present. Francesca laughed as she got an All 4 U onesie out of the box. It had the guys' faces on and the text: #1 Fan. I laughed as well.

"Thanks girls."

"That one is more serious." Violetta said as she went to take another look at Aria. Ludmila sat down in a chair. Francesca opened the present with a smile.

"Oh, thank you so much girls!" She held a onesie up that said: I'm a princess on my way to the throne.

"Can I hold her?" Violetta asked. Francesca nodded. I watched as Violetta took Aria out of the crib. "Hi, baby. I'm your auntie Vilu." She cooed.

She went over to where Ludmila was sitting and sat down in the chair next to her. "Suits you well, Vilu." I said with chuckle. She looked up, confused. "A baby." I added.

She smiled. "You think so?" Francesca and I both nodded. "Ludmi, please get my phone out of my bag." Ludmila got Violetta's phone out. "Can you take a picture?"

Ludmila nodded with a smile and took the photo.


"Finally some alone time." Fran said as the girls finally left. I smiled and sat in the bed next to her.

"I can't wait to bring her home with us. We'll finally be a family." Francesca looked at me with a smile.

"I love you." She said and kissed me. She put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I stroked her hair and kissed her temple. "I love you, too."

A bit of a filler, sorry! Next chapter will be longer, I promise!

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