29 - Narrator

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"Violetta, stand still! I just need to put this last strand up!" Angie scolded at Violetta.

Violetta giggled. "Sorry, I'm just very nervous!" She began to play with her fingers. She looked at Angie in the mirror and saw how she gave her a soft look. The soft paddling of feet were heard across the room.

"Mama!" Rafael walked into the room and walked over to Angie. He placed his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened. "Vilu you pretty!" Angie and Violetta laughed at the little boy. Angie took a chair and sat down next to Violetta. She put Rafael on her lap.

"I have something for you." Angie said. She took a box off the table and placed it into Violetta's lap. Curiously, Violetta opened it. "I figured you needed something old as well."

Violetta's eyes widened at the necklace that was lying in the box. "Angie, it's beautiful!" She got the necklace out and looked at it. "Is it yours?" She asked. Angie shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"It was your mother's. She had it on, on her wedding day, I had it on when I married your father and I'm sure she wants you to have it now so you can pass it on to your daughters." Violetta smiled as she pulled Angie in a tight hug. Violetta gave Angie a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you, I love it so much! Can you help me put it on?" Angie nodded. She placed Rafael on the chair and stood behind Violetta again. She took the necklace out of Violetta's hands and helped Violetta with her necklace. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Violetta stood up from her chair and pulled Angie in another big hug. "I don't know what I would have done without you!"

The door opened and Francesca, Camila, Naty and Ludmila walked in. Ludmila imeadetely went for a chair. She placed her hand on her stomach. Her five months pregnant stomach. "Is it normal for your feet to hurt this much?" Francesca and Violetta nodded. Ludmila groaned. "Fantastic."

Meanwhile, with the boys.

León was pacing around the room. Diego groaned. "Can you  stop? You're making me nervous." Diego complained.

León sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried." León took a seat next to Diego. "I'm worried that she might not want to marry me after all. That she'll just leave me at the alter." León ran a hand through his hair.

Diego gave him a pat on the back. "Don't worry about it. She loves you and you love her, there's nothing that could go wrong." León nodded. He looked down when he felt something tug at his pants. He smiled down at his son.

"Come here, buddy." He picked his son up and placed him on his lap. "Are you ready?" Matty just smiled at his father and clapped his hands together. León and Diego laughed. "I think you are." Mateo was wearing a shirt with the print of tuxedo on it. The door opened and the other boys walked in, all wearing tuxedos as well.

"Hey man, the girls are all ready." Maxi announced. León stood up with Mateo in his arms. The boys all went to stand in line. León first, with Matty. León was the first to walk down the aisle. He placed Matty in his mother's hands. León was followed by the guys and the girls.

His heart began to beat faster and faster. Not long until the love of his life would be walking down the aisle. Not long until she'd become his wife. He replayed his vows in his head over and over again, to make sure he wouldn't forget them. A pat on his shoulder made him snap out of his thoughts. His best man, Andrés, nodded towards the end of the aisle.

Violetta had appeared with her father by her side. León felt how his heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful. As she always did. He smiled as Violetta and Germán made their way down the aisle. "Take good care of her, yes?" León nodded. Germán smiled. He placed Violetta's hand in León's. He gave his daughter a kiss on her cheek and then walked over to his seat next to Angie.

"You look beautiful." León commented.

Violetta began to blush. "You're looking very handsome as well." The pair smiled at each other.

They looked over to the man that would soon announce them husband and wife. "We're all here today to witness the marriage between León Vargas and Violetta Castillo." León and Violetta once again smiled at each other. "If there's anyone who objects against this marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace."

There was a moment of silence and everyone held their breath. "Very well, then." In their minds, both Violetta and León let out relieved sighs. "Violetta and León have written their own vows. So, Violetta, you may start."

She nodded. She tightly held on to León's hands. She smiled at him. "Honestly, I didn't know where to begin. I think everyone knows it hasn't always been easy for us. Broken up, back together and broken up once again. And that's how it went for a long time. But I always loved you. Even during those times we hadn't spoken for ages, I still loved you very much. You have given me so much; a beautiful baby boy, hopefully more beautiful babies in the future," some people chuckled as did León, "but most of all, you've given me so much love. You have always been there for me and I don't know how I could ever thank you for that."

With his thumb León wiped away a tear that fell from Violetta's eye. "The rest of our life is starting today. And I couldn't be more excited to spend it with you. I love you, forever." León wiped away some more tears.

Francesca and Diego were sitting in the front row, with locked fingers. They got married a few months ago and looking at Violetta and León standing there brought back good memories. Diego looked at his wife and wiped away a tear. They shared a short smile.

"León, you may say your vows."

León nodded. He took a shaky breath. "Violetta. I still remember the day I met you." León had a small flashback to the day they met. "And even all those years ago I knew, I knew that on that day I had met the girl I would marry some day. And I was right." Some chuckles were heard around the room. "Yes, we have had our ups and downs. But what's really important at the end of the day is that our love was always strong enough to pull us back together. I promise you I will never let you, that I will always support you in anything you do, but mostly I promise you that I will love you for the rest of my life."

By now, many tears were streaming down Violetta's face. "I love you." He gave her a small kiss on her cheek. They smiled at each other. León wiped some of her tears away. "Forever." He added.

The ceremony moved on to the rings. They put the rings on each other's fingers. Everybody in the room stood up. "Then I am glad to now pronounce you husband," he looked at León, "and wife." He looked over at Violetta. "You may now kiss the bride."

León didn't need to be told twice and pressed his lips to Violetta's.

León picked Mateo up from his mother's arms and together with his wife walked out of the room.

This story might be finished, but theirs will forever go on.

The final chapter before the epilogue. (I'm a little emotional) What was your favourite part? Let me know in the comments! X

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