18 - León

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I ran through the doors of the airport, clutching onto the plane ticket for dear life. I ran and ran and ran. I finally spotted Federico and Maxi standing a few meters away from me. I began to ran faster. I threw my arms around their shoulders. "Where is she?" I asked, out of breath.

"On her way back home." Maxi said.

I felt my heart sink in my chest. I desperately ran a hand through my hair. No, this is not how it's supposed to end. "León?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my friends. "What did you do this morning?"

I sighed. "I asked him if we could move the writing sessions back to Buenos Aires, because it would benefit all of us." I told them. They both gave me a smile. "But he said no. He told me it would only distract us, so I quit."

Federico and Maxi looked at me with wide eyes. "What?!"

"León, you can't do that! We've worked so hard for this!" Maxi now began pacing back and forth as he mumbled to himself. "Have you really thought this through? What if you'll regret it later on?" Federico asked as he looked at me with a serious look on his face.

I shook my head. "I won't regret this. I want to be Violetta. And our baby. I can't stay here in Madrid. Not with Lara around. I can't do it. I need to be there for Vilu. She's my world. My life." I told the guys. I looked at the ticket and looked at the gate number.

Federico and Maxi nodded, in an understanding way. "Okay. Well, go get the girl then." They both gave me a pat on the back as I ran off again. I ran towards the gate for Buenos Aires.

In the security line, I spotted Violetta's blond curls. "Violetta!" I kept shouting her name over and over again. I pushed my way through the line of people waiting at the security line. Violetta turned around with a confused look on her face.

"León? What are you doing here?"

I began to catch my breath as people gave me annoyed looks. "I'm here for you. I quit the band. I want to be a family with you." Violetta looked around. I did, too and saw people giving us sweet looks. Some gave us angry looks, though.

"León! No! I don't want you to quit bec,-"

"I quit because I wanted to quit. Because I wanted to be with you and our baby." People aww'd around us. "I love you so much. You're my entire world and I never want to lose you again." I got a ring out of my pocket. I took Violetta's hand and kneeled down.

Violetta gasped. As did people all around us. "Violetta Castillo, will do me the honour of becoming m wife?" I put the ring out. I saw tears falling from Violetta's eyes as she nodded.

"Of course I will!" People cheered as I put the ring on her finger. Violetta pulled me back up and pulled me in a hug. I picked her up a little and spun her around. When I put her down again, I pressed my lips to her.

"I love you." I whispered.

Violetta smiled at me. "I love you, too." She pulled me in another hug. We looked at one of the employees, who cleared their throat. "Oh, I'm sorry." I took Violetta's hand and pulled her out of the line.

"Do you still want to go home? Because if you do, I won't stop you."

Violetta chuckled. "You won't, but the airport will. I think I that I just kinda missed my flight." She said with a smile. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in another tight hug. "But I'm glad I did." She said.

"Me too." I took her hand and together we walked back to Maxi and Federico. They looked at our hands, with smiles on their faces.

Federico was the first to pull us both in a hug. "Congratulations." We looked at him with frowns on our faces. How did he kow already? "What? You think we didn't see? You actually think we didn't know what you were up to?"

Maxi shook his head. "We didn't. We just heard some people talking about how the León Vargas proposed to his girlfriend." He explained. Federico rolled his eyes and muttered something I couldn't quite understand.


I held Violetta's hand tightly as we walked around Madrid. Violetta stopped walking as she looked through a window. I stood beside her.

A baby shop.

"Do you want to go in?" I asked her. She looked at me with a smile on her face. She nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the store. She went straight for the boys section. I followed her. She held up a onesie.

"Look how cute!" She began looking through more of the boys clothes.

I chuckled at her. That made her turn around. "How are you so sure it's a boy?" Violetta shrugged as she went back to looking through the clothes.

"I just have a feeling." She mumbled.


"I can't believe you actually bought that onesie." I said once we got back to the hotelroom. Violetta shrugged as she went to lay on the bed. "All because a feeling." I layed down next to her. "What if it's a girl?"

She shrugged. "I guess we'll find out in a few months." She cuddled up to me. "León?" I hummed in response.  "Can we go back to Buenos Aires tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Anything for you, princess." I kissed her cheek. "I love you." I looked down and saw Violetta laying there with closed eyes. I smiled. Her chest softly went up and down. I put my hand on Violetta's stomach. "And I love you, too, little baby." I whispered.

I made myself a bit more comfortable on the bed. Violetta put her hand on top of mine and laced our fingers together. And in that moment I knew. I knew we'd be together forever. There's no-one who will ever come in between us ever again.

Yes! León proposed! But he also quit the band.. Thoughts? Favourite part? Let me know in the comments! x

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