22 - León

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I patiently waited for Diego to arrive with my beautiful fianceé. I began pacing around the shop. I hope she likes the surprise. I want to marry her as soon as possible. Obviously after the baby is born, but you get what I mean.

Each time the bell of the store went I would look up, but she still didn't walk in. I decided to sit down in one of the black chairs.

Just relax, León. She's going to love the surprise. Wedding planning is all she ever talks about lately. And the baby, of course. Just keep breathing.

The bell of the shop went off again. I stood up from my chair. And there she was. Diego was not with her, so he must have left already. I walked towards Violetta and took her hand. "León!" She wrapped her arms around me.

I gave her a quick kiss. "Morning, love." She smiled as she looked around ther room. I took her hand and guided her to the kitchen of the store.

"León, what are we doing here?" She questioned. I turned to look at her, I gave her another quick kiss and kept walking with Violetta following closely behind me. She let out a frustrated sigh. I can't believe she hadn't put the pieces together yet. I mean, the picture was pretty obvious, no?

On a table in front of us stood a few cakes, with a book next to it. I heard Violetta gasp from behind me. I let go of her hands and went to stand behind the table. "We are tasting cakes for our wedding." I told her with a smile.

She ran over to me, as best as she could, and gave me a tight hug. "Thank you!"

"Now, let's get this tasting started!"


"Hey, Vilu," I dipped my finger in the whipped cream. She turned her head. Her entire cheek was full of whipped cream now. I began to laugh. She looked at me with a half angry look on her face, but then quickly let out a giggle.

She shook her head as she cleaned her cheek. "You're such a little kid." I pulled her closed to me, so our noses were touching.

"That's why you love me." I whispered. She hummed in response and then closed the gap between our lips. I felt something wet fall on my head. Not much later I saw egg yolk run down my face. I looked at Violetta with wide eyes.

She was smirking at me. That look on her face soon turned in one of horror. I took the bowl of whipped cream and stepped closer to her. I hand a handful of whipped cream in my hand. I had her trapped in between myself and the wall. "León, please, don't do that." She begged.

I sighed and let her escape. "Thank you, I lov-," I threw the whipped cream at her and began to laugh. "Well, very well then." She grabbed something off a table and threw it at me.

We ended up making a huge mess of the kitchen. We had to clean it, well I had to seeing as Violetta used the pregnancy excuse and I let her sit on a chair. It took me a good three and a half hours. But seeing Violetta having fun was all worth it.


We were cuddled up on the couch later that night. I had my hands rested on Violetta's stomach. She was reading through a wedding cake book. We already decided on the tast of the cake; chocolate. But we couldn't decided on the topper and the cake itself. "How about this one?" Violetta held the book up for me to look.

I grimaced. "Are there others you like as well?"

Violetta giggled as she flipped the page of the book. She suddenly put the book down and sat up straight. I looked at her with a frown. She crossed her legs as she looked at me. "Did you know the boys came back home today?"

I sighed. I looked anywhere but at her. "Yeah, I know." I gave Violetta a small nod.

She let out a sigh. "León, look at me." I kept my attention on the tv in front of us. I know I'll break if I'll look into her eyes. And I won't let that happen. She grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. "Why did you really quit the band?"

I looked down. "To be with you. And our baby."

Violetta let out another sigh. "León, I don't want you to quit because of me. You belong in that band." She took a hold of my hands. "You belong on the stage. You should be performing with your friends. Because that band was and I know it still is your dream."I kept looking down. "It's your life, León."

I shook my head. I looked up at her. "You and our baby are my life. I want to be there. I want to be there when he or she learns something new." Violetta gave me a weak smile. "I want to help you when the baby is keeping you up at night. I want to help you raise him or her. And I can't do that when I'm half the world away."

Violetta placed her hand on my cheek. "And I love you for that." She whispered. "But I'm not letting you quit the band because of that." I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. Violetta pulled away. She wiped something of my cheek. She smiled softly at me. "You're crying."

"You, too." I wiped away tears that fell from her face. "Why?"

She kissed my cheek. "For what I'm about to do." She stood up from the couch. I quickly followed. She turned to look at me and held my hands in hers. "I want you to live your dream and I don't want to hold you back." I wanted to interrupt her, but she shook her head. "León, this career is your life. Cami told me the boys will be going on a tour and I want you to go on that tour." I wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes.

"But, the baby,-"

She shook her head. "The baby will be fine." She let out a shaky breath. "It's holding you back, León. This pregnancy." She began to walk away from me. I grabbed her hands and made her turn around. She was crying. "León, tell me what you really want."

I shook my head. She nodded with a smile. More tears streamed down her face. "You and I both know what you really want." We both looked down as we felt the baby kick. A tear fell on Violetta's shirt. My tear. We looked deeply into each other's eyes.

My eyes opened and I looked around the room. Violetta wasn't laying beside me. I put some joggers on and walked downstairs. A light in the kitchen was on. "Vilu," she turned around with a tear stained face, "I want to go back to the band."

She looked at me with a small smile and nodded through her tears. "I know." She stood up from the kitchen and pulled me in a tight hug. "I know." She repeated. I rested my chin on her head. Violetta looked up at me. "I love you."

I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "I love you, too."

Did anyone cry? Because I did!I was listening to Habla Si Puedes whilst writing León's dream, made my cry ten times harder. What did you think? Is Vilu gonna manage when León returns to the band? Favourite part? Let me know in the comments!

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