05 - León

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I was awoken by a loud bang from next door. I quickly put on some slippers as I realised that Violetta moved in next door. I rushed out of the apartment.

"Vilu!" I saw her sitting next to some boxes with a defeated look on her face. "Are you okay?"

She shrugged. I helped her stand up. "I wanted to start moving some things in, but these boxes are too heavy. And I called Diego, but he's out with his dad. And, and, no-one else knows yet and,"

"Violetta." She looked at me with a shocked expression. I smiled a her. "I'll help you." I picked one of the boxes up as Violetta opened the door for me.

"Where do you want this one?" I carried the last box in. Violetta looked up from one of the other boxes.

"Kitchen, please." I nodded and took the box to the kitchen. It was the only room that was already finished for the most part.

"Thanks, León." Violetta walked over to me and pulled me in a tight hug. "For everything."

"Always." We both pulled away after a while. "Did you already buy furniture?" I jumped on the cooking island.

"Yeah, Angie helped me with that when she came to Paris with me. I've been planning all of this for a long time, you know." She told me. I nodded.


From our right, a buzzing noise was made. Violetta held her finger up and went to the buzzer. "Hello?"

"Vilu, it's us." We heard Angie's voice say. "Your father and I." Violetta buzzed them in and then turned back to me.

"What did you want to say?" She asked as she went to sit next to me on the kitchen island.

"Uh, that, uh, I really mis,-" we were once again interrupted, this time by the doorbell. Violetta looked at me with an apologizing look as she made her way to the door. I jumped off the kitchen island and followed her.

"Dad! Angie!" She hugged them both. "Please, come in." She let Angie and Germán in.

"Ah, León? What are you doing here? Are you two?" Angie pointed between Violetta and me.

"No!" Violetta and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other.

"I, uh, live next door. But I was just going home." I said. "Call me if you need help with moving in." Violetta nodded. I quickly told them all goodbye.

Germán kept staring me down as I walked out of the door. "León!" Violetta called out. I turned around. "Thank you. Again." I gave her a small nod then walked back to my apartment.


"I don't know, mate. I'd say your still head over heels for her." Andrés said as he finished his milkshake.

"No, I can't be. She and I decided that it was better to just be friends. It was hurting us both to keep being away from each other." I explained to him. Andrés sighed. He got some money out and put it on the table.

"Suit yourself, León. Everyone can see you two still love each other." I was about to protest. "And not just as friends. See you later!" And with that Andrés walked out. I sighed and slumped down in my seat.

Just admit that he's right, León!

"León Vargas, is that you?" I heard a girl behind me say. I looked over my shoulder and I sighed deeply. I got the money for my milkshake out.

"Nope. Sorry, that's not me." I stood up and quickly walked out of the cafe. I need time to think about what Andrés just said.

Do I really still love Violetta more than just a friend?

Yes, León. You do, just admit it. I shook my head and kept walking. Without realizing, I walked passed Art Rebel. I shrugged as I decided to go in real quick. I walked to the office.

"Fran?" I popped my head inside. I sighed as I realized she wasn't here. I turned back around and bumped into someone. "Sorry." I mumbled. I walked away.

"León, you okay?" I heard Diego ask behind me. I turned around. I shrugged at him. "Do you maybe want to talk?"

"Well, I was hoping that Fran would be here. I need to ask her something. But it's okay, it isn't that important." I told him. Diego nodded.

"I know you're lying about the fact that it isn't important." Diego walked over to me. "She's at home. If you still want to talk to her about Vilu." Diego walked away, chuckling.

I walked after him. "How did you know?" Diego turned to look at me with a smirk on his face.

"It's written all over your face. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my first class." Diego walked away towards a group of students.


I stood in front of Diego and Fran's house. My finger made its way to the bell. I quickly pulled it away.

I shouldn't do this. I shook my head. I blew my chance with Violetta. I should have fought for her when she told me we would be better off on our own.

"León?" I looked around and saw Francesca walking towards the house. She was holding a bag full of groceries. "What are you doing here? Diego is at Art Rebel."

"No, uh, I came to, uh, to talk to you. Let me take that." Fran smiled as I took the bag out of her hands.

"Well, let's go in then." She unlocked the door and we walked in. "Just put the bag on the counter." I nodded.

I sat down across from Fran. "What seems to be the problem?" She askes with a smile.

"I, uh, I think, no, I'm sure." I said. Fran gave me a confused look.

"Sure of what? Please be a little more specific." I took a deep breath.

Should I really tell Fran? Yes, now, just say it!

"I'm still in love with Violetta."

León is still in love Violetta. But is Vilu still in love with León??

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