15 - León

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It's been two days.

Two days since we last talk. She doesn't reply to my texts. Doesn't answer my calls. Our last conversation kept playing through my head.

Did I say something out of line?

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It's time to go." Federico said and pulled me out of the chair. I frowned.

"Time to go where?"

Federico sighed. "Time to go explore the city. You can't spend all your free time here." Federico threw a pair of shoes towards me.

I managed to catch one. I picked the other one up from the ground and sat back on the chair to put them on. "I don't want to 'explore'. I'm not freaking Dora The Explorer." I finished putting my right shoe on.

Federico scoffed. "You had no problem being freaking Dora when she came by."

I looked up at him. "What? You thought we didn't know? You were on the news. Even in Argentina, Ludmi told me." My eyes widened.

Is that the reason she is mad at me? The reason she ignores me?

I began pacing around the room. "Violetta hates me. I should have never gone out to meet up with her." I mumbled to myself. I ran a hand through my hair. I looked to Federico. "I screwed up. Again."

Federico shook his head as he sat down on the bed with me. "Doubt it." For the second time this day, I frowned. "Ludmila said that Vilu isn't really mad. I guess she's just disappointed." I put my head in my hands. "Who was that chick anyway?"

I scratched the back of my neck. "It was Lara." I mumbled.

"Lara?!" I nodded in response. "Why did you agree to meet up with her?" I shrugged.

Yeah, León, why did you?

"You're in deep if Violetta finds out. If it was some other girl, it'd be bad. But Lara, that's another story." Federico said. "I mean, you two have some history, dude. Vilu will be pissed."

I glared at him. "Not helping." I muttered under my breath. Federico quickly apologized. He stood up from the bed.

"Let's get your mind off of things. Come on, Dora, we are going to explore Madrid."


I groaned, "Fede, where are you even taking me? I'm pretty sure you got us lost." I followed Federico to who knows where. He ignored my question and kept walking. "Seriously, I'm going to call someone." I got my phone out of my pocket.

"No, we're almost at our destination." Federico turned around and grabbed the phone out of my hands. I frowned at him. "Don't question it." He began walking again. I stood there for a few seconds, but then quickly followed him.

"We're here." Federico announced after walking for another five minutes. I looked around our destination. I noticed a blanket and a picknick basket.

I frowned once again. "Dude, are you taking me on a picknick?" Federico shook his head. "Then what is this?" He shrugged and began to walk away. "Where are you going?"

Federico looked at me. "This is your surprise, not mine. They didn't tell me anything, only that I had to bring you here. So, I brought you here and now it's time for me to go. See you later!" He quickly ran off in the direction we just came from.

I sighed and decided to sit down on the blanket. I looked inside the basket and saw it was filled with delicious things, such as cake, sandwiches, drinks and cookies. I looked around and saw no-one so I got a cookie out of the basket.

"Hay amor en el aire acércate a mi," I turned my head and there she was, "apuesta por lo que siento, hay amor en el aire tu confía en mi, ya ves que no existe el tiempo," Violetta sat down on the blanket next to me. I gave her a smile which she returned. "I missed you."

I pulled her in a hug, "I missed you, more." She pulled away from the hug and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"I need to tell you something." We both chuckled as we said that at the same time. "You first." Again, we chuckled. We looked at each other with smiles on our faces.

"You go first." I put my hand on top of hers and laced our fingers together. Violetta nodded, but didn't say anything. "Well?"

She nodded again, "okay, I'm ready." She said and took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She looked at me with big eyes and a huge smile on her face. That smile quickly fell from her face. "Aren't you excited?"

I pulled her in a tight hug. "Of course I am." I gave her a big kiss on her lips. "I've always wanted to be a father, I just didn't think I'd be one so early." Violetta nodded in an understanding way. She layed down on the blanket and looked up at the sky.

"What did you want to tell me?" With an eye closed she looked over at me. I shook my head and layed myself down next to her.

"Nothing, it's not important." Violetta wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head near my shoulder. "I missed you." I kissed the side of her head.

"I missed you, too." Her grip on my waist tightend. "León?" I hummed in response. "That girl. Who you were out with, she was just a friend, right? No-one special, right?" Violetta sat up and looked at me.  I opened my eyes and also sat up.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. "She's just a good friend." I told Violetta as I looked into her eyes. Violetta nodded with a smile. "Uhm, yeah, a friend." Violetta frowned at me, probably getting suspicious.

It's better to be honest with her, right?

"It, uh, it was Lara."

Violetta's shoulders fell down a little and her eyes dropped. "Lara?" I nodded in response. "Okay." She sat there with a distant look in her eyes. "Di- Did anything happen?" She asked as she looked down to her fingers.

"You know me, Violetta. You know I wouldn't do such thing. I love you, okay? I love you and our baby." I lifted her head with my shoulder. "I love you. And I promise I won't ever meet up with her again without telling you."

She nodded as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you, too."

So, Vilu flew all the way to Madrid to tell León about their baby. How cute is that. And León met up with Lara, hm, how will that end up? What was your favourite part of the chapter?

Let me know in the comments! x

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