27 - Violetta

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Soon I'd have León all to myself again. No more touring. No more recording albums. No more photoshoots. No more promotions. We can just be all by ourselves. We can watch Mateo and his future siblings grow up. We could give them them most normal live as possible.

I carried a sleeping Mateo into my father and Angie's house. I frowned at all the boxes that were spread across the living room. "Dad? Angie?" I called out. Angie walked out of the kitchen with another box in her hands. "What's going on here?"

Angie smiled at me. "We're packing." She simply stated. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. "Your father and I have bought a new house." My eyes widened. I layed Mateo in my arms. "We're moving into the new house in a few weeks."

"Did you sell this house already?" I questioned. Angie nodded. "Really? Wow! To who?" I was curious to know who would be living here. Curious to know who's kids will grow up here.

Angie smiled. "Federico and Ludmila bought it." My eyes widened. "Yeah, my reaction as well." Angie said with a laugh. She looked at Matty. "Can I hold him?"

I nodded. "Yes, sure." I put the sleeping boy in her arms. "When are they moving in?" I asked Angie. She shrugged. She rocked Matty in her arms.

"Probably after Fede gets back from the tour. Have you heard from Ludmila lately? She hasn't been around here much." Angie said. We both looked at Mateo who began to wake up.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think she went on tour with Fede. So they can try for a baby." I said with a wink. "God, those two are really dying to have a baby. It's unbelievable." I said with a laugh. Angie laughed with me. I looked around as I heard the front door shut. "Dad!" I stood up from the couch and went to hug him. "Why didn't you tell me you were moving?!"

He shrugged. "I forgot?"

I rolled my eyes. "You sure did!" We sat down on the couch again. Dad kept looking at Mateo, lying in Angie's eyes. "Is there something else I need to know?" I raised an eyebrow at dad and Angie. They shared a quick look and then looked at me.

"You're having a little brother!" Angie excitedly told me. She placed Mateo in dad's arms. I stood up from the couch and went to give Angie a big hug. "We're flying to Mexico in three weeks to pick him up. His name is Rafael. And he's two years old."

I widely smiled at my dad and Angie. "I'm so excited!"


"You knew?!"

León sheepisly smiled at me through the camera. "Fede told me today. He says Ludmila can't wait to move in with him and vica versa." León smiled at me. "I can't wait to come home. For good."

I smiled back at him. "Me neither." Mateo began to make some noises. I stood up from the bed and got him out of his crib. Yes, his crib is still in our room. I like having him close to me, he'll probably go to his own room once León gets home again. I sat down in front the laptop again with Mateo in my lap. "Look, Matty, it's your daddy." I showed León.

León smiled once again. "I need to go." León said with a frown. "We have a soundcheck and a Meet & Great afterwards."

I sadly smiled. "Okay. Call me when you're free, okay?" León nodded.  He blew me a kiss, then logged off. "Just you and me again, baby." I took Matty downstairs with me. I layed him down in his playpen. I got myself a cup of tea and then sat down on the couch. I turned the TV on and layed myelf back a bit.


I sat in Fran's office at Art Rebel. "So, are you still gonna peform?" Matty and Aria were laying in a playpen that stood in the corner of Francesca's office. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I like being with Matty. And when León finally comes home from tour we can become a family and I really like the thought of that." I took a sip from my coffee. "I'd like to work again, though."

Fran's eyes lit up, like she got an idea. "I think I can take care of that." She started to rummage through her drawer and finally pulled a paper out. "We're in need of a singing teacher." She placed the paper in front of me. "Diego does both singing and music classes now, but it'd be nice to have an actual singing teacher around. I mean, I'd do it, but I prefer this office job so I can have Aria over and won't need to look for a babysitter. And if you want, you can have Matty over any time, no problem at all."

I looked at the application paper in front of me. It does sound nice. And I'd work with my best friend. That'd be nice as well. I nodded. "Do you have a pen?" Francesca smiled at me as she handed me a pen. I began to fill out the application.

"Ah, Francesca, there you are. Have you maybe seen the Event Files? Diego and I want to start to or-, oh, Violetta, hello there." Francesca handed Gregorio a big pile of files. Gregorio looked over my shoulder. "You want to work here?"

I nodded. As did Fran. "Only if that's okay with all of you." Diego now walked into the office as well.

"If we're okay with what?" He walked over to the playpen and took Aria out. He held her in the air a little, which made her laugh. "Huh?"

"If we're okay with Violetta becoming the new singing teacher here." Francesca said. "And I'm for." She raised her arm, then looked at Diego and Gregorio. Diego and Gregorio also shared a quick look. Diego shrugged.

"Yeah, I think she'd be perfect for the job." Gregorio sighed. "Come on, dad, she's perfect for it. She's had plenty of expierence. She's been on tours, she's made albums."

We all looked at Gregorio with pouts on our faces. He sighed again. "Okay, okay. Yes, you can become the new singing teacher." Francesca and I let out some cheers. She stood up from her chair and gave me a big hug.

So, I made an updating schedule, but I've decided to upload the last chapters of Back Together before Monday. I'm thinking of making 30, well, the 30th will probably be the epilogue. I've run out of ideas and I really want to start The Nanny sequel.
Favourite part? Let me know in the comments!

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