30 - Epilogue

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Six years later..

"Vilu! Stop rushing around!" León looked up from the television. Violetta gave her husband an annoyed look. "Just come sit. And relax."

Violetta shook her head. "I can't. Everyone is going to be here in five hours! And nothing's finished!" León stood up from the couch and wrapped his arms around Violetta's waist. "León, not now." He placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Relax, Violetta."

She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. Okay." León took Violetta's hand and took her to the couch with him. She cuddled up to León and watched the televison. They were laying in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

That silence was interrupted not much later. "Mommy!" Mateo came running down the stairs and jumped up on the couch. "When is Raf coming? He promised to play soccer with me before all the babies got here!"

"I think he should be here soon. Stop being so impatient." León told his son. Matty sat on the couch with his arms crossed and with a pout on his face. Violetta and León chuckled at their drama king of a son. The three of them watched the television for a while. Matty's face lit up when the bell rang.

Violetta stood up from the couch and went to open the door. "Dad! Angie!" She pulled the two of them in a hug. "Where's my favourite little brother?" She smiled at Rafael. He smiled back as he pulled his older sister in a hug.

Rafael then walked inside. "Matty, your favourite uncle is here!" He called out. Mateo jumped up from the couch and ran over to his 'uncle'. He sort of knew that Rafael is his uncle, but he's never really called him that. "Let's go play soccer!" Rafael took Mateo into the big back garden.


One by one the guest began to arrive. Violetta and León were hosting the New Year's Eve party this year.

Ludmila and Federico were the first to arrive. With their two daughters, Luci of five and Cara of three years old. They want to get married in the new year. "Auntie Vilu," Luci ran over to her aunt Violetta, "are María and Martina awake?"

Did I mention? Violetta and León had twins. María and Martina, they were born three months ago. Violetta smiled. "You can ask if uncle León will check with you." Luci nodded and ran over to León. Violetta shook her head with a smile.

After Ludmila and Federico had arrived, Camila arrived with Broduey and their three kids. The twins, Julie and Davey of four years old. And little baby Cruz of nearly one year old.

Right after they had arrived, Andrés arrived with Libby. They didn't have children yet, although they did have a little one on the way. Along with them, Naty and Maxi arrived. They have one son of four years old, Beau.

And finally, after everyone had already settled in at León and Violetta's house, Francesca and Diego arrived. Out of everyone, they have the most children. We all know little Aria, who is now six years old. Two years after Aria was born, they had a little boy, Gabriel, so he's now four years old. And just a small year later, they were blessed with another baby boy, Jairo. And just five months ago, they had another daughter, Jayda. Four kids was probably the reason they were late to mostly anything lately.

The kids all went to play together, whilst the adults sat together and talked about, well, everything that happened in the past year. "Can you believe that we're still together after all those years?" Violetta asked as she looked back to all the years they've been friends for now. "I mean, we've been through so much together, bad times as well, that it's sometimes hard to think how we've stayed friends."

They all nodded. Maxi stood up from the couch and got his laptop out of his bag. He placed it on top of the piano that was standing in the living room. He typed away on his laptop and not much later a very familiar song began to play.

Violetta smiled. She got up from the couch and walked over to Maxi, she wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "On the first day that I met you, feeling out of place, so many new faces."

Everyone joined in and they danced around the living room like they were teenagers again. When they finished the song, they got a big applause from their kids. "Mommy! Mommy!" Matty ran over to Violetta. "It's almost time for the countdown!"

"3, 2, 1!" The kids began to scream as they ran outside to watch the fireworks. Violetta smiled at the adults calling at their kids to put coats on and to be careful.

Friends 'Till The End.

THE END! I hope you enjoyed it, I know the epilogue wasn't that good, but I didn't really have that much inspiration. Hope you enjoyed the story! On Monday, as promised, I will upload the Nanny sequel and I will update that story every Monday. Favourite part in the entire story? Favourite part in the epilogue? Let me know in the comments! xx

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