06 - Violetta

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"Thank you so much, Diego!" I pulled him in a tight hug. I looked around. My dad and Diego helped me get the furniture in today.

"You're welcome, Vilu." He smiled at me. "When is the house warming?" He asked with a wink.

"Somewhere in the coming up week. I haven't decided yet." I said. I let myself fall down on the couch. Diego nodded.

"I should head home. Fran just texted saying that dinner is ready." He kissed my cheek. I was about to stand up. "No, I'll let myself out." I nodded.

I heard the door open and shut not long after that. I stood up and walked over to my piano.

"I can feel it when you're walking next to me," I played the familiar notes of Nuestro Camino. I was going to release it in English later this year, but the translating wasn't going as I planned.

I groaned as I came the male part of the first verse, that still wasn't translated. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen to get some water. "Alright, Violetta, you can do this. Focus." I told myself.

I walked back towards the piano. I sat back down and began to play the song again. As I reached the male part again, I couldn't do it. I took the nearest thing I could find and threw it at the wall.

I rested my elbows on the piano. I groaned into my hands. I heard the bell ring multiple times. Confused as I was I made my way towards the door. "León?"

He walked in. "Are you okay? I heard something hit the wall." I closed the door behind him.

"Yeah, I was just working on a song. It's just not going the way I want to." I sighed and walked back to the piano. León followed me.

"I could help you." León offered. I gratefully looked at him. He sat down next to me. "You're translating Nuestro Camino?"

I nodded. "The label liked it and wants me to release it in English." I explained. León took a look at the English lyrics. "It's freely translated." I added.

León nodded. "You only need to translate the male part of the first verse and the entire second verse." He said. I nodded.

León played the opening notes of the song. He stopped. "Okay, how about," I quickly took my phone out and put the recorder on as León started playing,

"there's a ray of sunlight only you set see, and it's like you stop the clocks when you're with me, 'cause you touch my very soul, and your heart's my only goal, and now I will never ever leave you alone."

León stopped playing.

I stopped recording. "Yes! Did you just come up with that?"

León shook his head. "I've been wanting to translate this song for a while now." He said. I noddes as a response.

That afternoon, León and I fully translated the song. "Vilu," my head was lying on his shoulder, "do you want to go out for dinner?"

I smiled. "Yes, I'd love too." We both stood up. I grabbed a jacket and put it on. León told me he would quickly get his jacket at his apartment.

"Alright, all ready." He said when he returned. I locked my door and together we left the building.


"And then Maxi was like, 'did that bin just sneeze?'. So we all looked over. And guess what?" León said.

"What?" I asked, with smile on my face.

"The bin stood up and quickly walked away. Turns out a fan was dressed as a bin in hopes of meeting us." We laughed.

"That is crazy." I commented. We just came back from dinner at McDonalds and were walking through the park on our way home.

Some time during our walk our hands found each other and laced together. I stopped León from walking and stared at a bench.

"León, look." I let go of his hand and walked towards the bench. "It's still here." I said. León sat down next to me.

León laced our fingers together again. I looked at him with a smile. "Violetta." Our faces were getting closer to one another.

"Yes?" I breathed out. Our lips were just centimeters apart.

"I love you." He whispered. And with that, our lips were pressed together. After all that time the sparks were still there.

Everything about the moment was perfect. The perfect kiss. At a perfect place. With the perfect guy.

When we pulled away we smiled at each other. "León?" His forhead was softly pressed against mine. "Guess what?"

He smiled. "What?"

"I love you, too." He smiled even wider as gave me another quick kiss.


We stood outside of our apartments. "I had a good time today." I said. León nodded and agreed with me.

"I should go." León let go of my hands and walked towards his aparment. I turned towards my door with a disappointed look on my face. My arm was grabbed and I was spun around.

León's lips softly crashed against mine. He pulled away after a bit and said, "I couldn't let such a perfect day end like that."

I smiled. "Me neither." I pulled him inside and that very night, I possibly had the best night of my life.

I'm not going to lie, this gave me major Leonetta feels. I was going to wait with uploading this, but I just couldn't because big Leonetta moments.

(Nuestro Camino in English in the media thing.)

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