09 - Violetta

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"That was really cute." I said, referring to Maxi's proposal. My head was laying on León's shoulder as we walked home.

"Told you it was worth the wait." I smiled up at him. "Poor Maxi, he was so nervous though."

I chuckled. "I bet he was." León opened thd door of our apartment building. He held the door open and let me in first. "Thank you."

He grabbed my hand again and we walked to the elevator. Not much later it arrived at our floor.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked. León raised an eyebrow at me. "Not like that!" I hit him on the arm. "I mean, can I sleep over at yours?"

León nodded and said, "you didn't even have to ask." We walked towards his door and he let me in again.

"I'll be right back." I told him. He nodded and said something about a movie. I went to his bedroom and looked through his closet.

I got out of my clothes and pulled one of his soccer jerseys over my head. I went to close the closet, but in the far corner of the closet I saw a box.

I got it out and sat down on the floor. On the top of the box was written: Violetta & León. With a heart drawn next to it.

I opened the box. It was filled with photo's of León and I. I took one out.

"Last On Beat Tour show." I read out loud. I remember when this was taken. We were in Barcelona for the very last show of the On Beat tour in 2014. I remember I fell down during Destinada a Brillar and León caught me just in time.

I put the picture to the side. I took another one out. I smiled. Dad and Angie's wedding. We were singing together. Looking so in love. I also put that picture aside.

Again, I took another one out. I looked at the back of the photo.

Our place.

I looked back at the front. León and I were standing at the bench where we had our first kiss. Our backs towards whoever took this photo. I looked through a few more photo's.

"Vilu, are y,-" I looked up at León, "I would always take those photo's on tour with me. And I'd look at them when I'd miss you." I nodded.

"I like this one." I showed him a photo of when we kissed during the final show of 2013.

"You can keep it." León said. "I have enough photo's of us for a whole book." I kissed his cheek and put the picture aside.

For the rest of the night we looked at old photo's. Not just of us two, also of our friends. I yawned. León picked me up and put me down on his bed.

He crawled in next to me. I cuddled in to his side. I stared at the ceiling. Neither one of us was talking.

After a while I broke the silence, "León, what are we?"

León chuckled from beside me. "We're human, Vilu." León laughed about the joke we made whilst I rolled my eyes.

"No, seriously. Are we, uh, back together?" I mumbled. "For good this time?"

León sighed. Oh great, here it comes. The part where he says he wants to stay just friends. He sat up on the bed.

"Vilu, I've been waiting for months to see you again." I sat up as well. "And the past few days with you were the best few days of my life." I sighed.

Here comes the 'but'.

"I wanted this to be more romantic. But, now seems like the perfect time to ask. Violetta, will you be my girlfriend again? For good this time?"

I nodded with a big smile. I threw my arms around his neck. "I was so stupid to just let you go like that!" I kissed his cheek. "Are you still up for that movie?"

"I was thinking we could do something else?" I sat with my legs on either side of his body. León was leaning on his elbows. I pulled the soccer jersey over my head and threw it away.

León pulled me down. "I love the way you think." He mumbled against me lips. I giggled and connected our lips.


I woke up to the sound of León's beautiful voice singing Amor En El Aire. I put my underwear and bra on and then pulled the soccer jersey I wore last night over my head.

I walked towards a shirtless León. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He smiled as he sang.

I joined him for the chorus. We finished the song. I sat down on his lap. "I like singing with you." I blushed as León said that.

"I like singing with you, too." León's house phone began to ring. I walked towards the phone.

Fran and Diego.

I answered the call. "Vargas house." I said with a smirk. I sat back down on León's lap.

"Vilu?" Fran sounded confused. "I've tried to call you all morning!" I chuckled and apologized. León began to kiss my neck. "Violetta! Did you even hear what I just said?"

"Yes," I giggled as León kept kissing my neck, "you said, 'I've tried to call you all morning,' duh." I said as I pushed León away a bit.

"Right. And after that?" She questioned. Did she say even something after that?

"Uh, you, uh, I don't know." I mumbled. León started laughing.

"Great friend you are." He muttered. I gave him a punch on his arm.

"Violetta!" Fran yelled through the phone. My eyes widened.

"Sorry! León was distracting me. Please tell me one more time." I begged. I walked away from León and went to the kitchen.

"Okay, as I mentioned twice already now, do you want to go babyshopping with me?" León stood in between my legs now.

Where the hell did he come from?

"Yes, I'd love too!" I told her. "How late should I be at your house?" I pushed León's face away from my neck.

"How about like as soon as possible? It's been twelve already." I took a glance at the clock.

"Yeah, okay. Let me shower and get dressed and then I'll head straight over to yours."

"Hurry though. And Vilu," I hummed in response, "don't get distracted again." With that she ended the call.

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