12 - Violetta / Francesca

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Violetta's POV

The boys have been away for two months now. Ludmila and I were standing outside of our former house. I pressed the bell.

The door opened and Angie let us in. "Girls! What a surprise!" She gave each of us a hug. "How are you?"

We all sat down on the couch. "I'm good. I miss Fede though." I nodded in agreement.

"I miss León, too. We had just gotten back together and then he just had to leave like that again." I rubbed my temples.

"Vilu, are you okay?" Angie worriedly asked. I nodded. "Are you sure?" I nodded again.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Angie frowned. "Ludmila, can you please get her water and an aspirin?" Ludmila nodded and went off to the kitchen.

"Angie, really I'm fine." Angie hummed. "Where's dad?"

"Right here." He walked out of the kitchen with Ludmila. Ludmila gave me the asprin and the glass of water. "Are you alright?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes as I took the asprin and water. "Honestly, I'm fine. Just a little headache."

We all did some catching up. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


I told my family to be quiet as I answered the call. "Diego, wh,-"

"I don't have much time to talk, Vilu." I could hear Diego run around. "It's Francesca."

I frowned, just like my family did. "What? What's wrong with her?" I asked him. Worry was probably written all over my face.

"She's in labour."

"Excuse me?! She's only thirty-four weeks along!" My family looked at me. "Francesca's in labour." I informed them. I turned back to listen to Diego.

"Can you please stop by our house to get the hospital bag in our bedroom?" He asked, a little out of breath.

"Yes, sure. Where are you two now?" I stood up and got my things together. Dad helped me put my coat on.

"Art Rebel." I heard Diego tell Fran to breathe. "Can you meet us at the hospital as soon as possible?"

"Yes. Of course. I'll be there in a heartbeat." We said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"I'll come with you." Ludmila said. I nodded. She also put her coat on.

"Drives safely, okay? I don't want any of you getting hurt." Ludmila and I nodded as dad kissed each of us on the cheek.

We quickly walked out of the door and to the car.


Francesca's POV

This could not be happening. I could not be going into labour. I tried to stay calm and keep my breath steady. But all kinds of things went to my mind, like would the baby be alright?

"Alright, Vilu is meeting us in the hospital." I nodded. Diego laced his fingers with mine. "The baby will be fine, okay?"

I nodded and tried my best to believe him. Diego started the car and began driving to the hospital.


Diego helped me out of the car and helped me walk into the hospital. We walked towards the front desk.

"What can I do for you?" The nurse asked us with a smile.

"My fiancée is in labour. And she's only thirty-four weeks along." Diego calmly tried to tell the nurse.

The nurse nodded. She called for some other nurses to get me as she put a paper in front of Diego. "If you could just fill this in." Diego nodded and began filling the paper in.

I was helped into a wheelchair and was pushed towards a room. The nurses helped me put a hospital gown on and then helped me into the bed.

"A midwife will be with you shortly to see how far dilated you are." A nurse began to explain. "And when the baby is born, some tests will be done to see if the baby has any permanent problems."

I nodded. "For now, just try and get as comfortable as possible."

I did as the nurse told me and layed back in the bed. When the nurse walked out, Diego walked in.

He smiled at the nurse and sat down on a chair next to my bed. I held my hand out for him to hold. "It's really happening."

I nodded. "Diego," he hummed in response, "I'm nervous." Diego kissed my forehead.

"We're in this together, yeah?" I nodded and closed my eyes.


The midwife had just left and told us I was already five centimeterd dilated. "Is Violetta here yet?"

"I'm here! I'm here!" She said, clearly out of breath. She handed Diego the hospital beg. Ludmila calmy followed her into room.

"Am I still in time?" She asked as she caught her breath. Diego and I nodded. "Okay, good. Do you mind if I call the guys? We already called Naty and Cami."

"Yes, sure." I saw Violetta run her temples. "Vilu, sit down. You look a bit pale." She nodded as she put her phone to her ear.

"León! Yes, I'm fine! No, really, I am." Violetta rolled her eyes. "I miss you, too!" I smiled as I looked at her. "Yes, I called with a reason. Are the guys with you? Okay, put me on speaker!"

Violetta was quiet for a bit and also put her phone on speaker. "Alright, you're on speaker, babe. Tell us."

Violetta blushed as León called her babe. She looked at us. I gave Diego a small elbow. "We're having a baby!"

"What?!" All the boys said on the other side of the line.

"You're not even due yet!" I heard Maxi say. "I wish I could be there for you, Fran!"

I nodded with a sad smile. "Yeah, me too." I sighed. It's not the same without all my friends. And my family not being here also saddens me.

We had called them on our way here. "Call us when the little Hernández is born!" I heard Broduey say. "Don't worry about the time!"

"We will." I heard Diego say. Violetta and León said goodbye and hung up the phone.


Violetta and I were laying on the hospital bed together while Ludmila and Diego went to get food. "I can't wait to meet this little one."

Violetta layed her head on my shoulder. "I missed you when you were on tour." I told her.

"I missed you, too. I really liked it when you and Diego toured with me through Italy." Violetta wrapped her arms around me.

"I liked that, too. Remember the song we sang together back then?" Violetta looked at me with a smile.

"Planeta de las chicas, exclusividad," Violetta and I began singing Codigo Amistad, "las claves son las risas, código amistad."

Violetta got out of the bed and danced around the room as we sang. The door opened and we both stopped singing. "Sorry to interupt," the midwife said, "I came to see how far a long you are."

The midwife checked me. "Alright, it's time for you to start giving birth." Violetta looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'll go get Diego!" She practically ran out of the hospital room. The midwife chuckled.


"One last push, Francesca!" The midwife told me. I gave Diego's hand a hard squeeze.

"You're doing great. One more push and our little girl will be born." Diego kissed my temple.

"Boy." I felt another contraction hit me and began to push again. The room was filled with the cries of a baby.

"It's a .."

Boy or girl? Leave a comment!

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