03 - Violetta

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"No. I am not getting on that thing." I told León as he handed me a helmet. León chuckled and stepped onto the motor. "I'm serious." I said.

"Vilu, live a little. Come on." I firmly shook my head. León sighed and got off the motor. "Fine, let's walk then."

"Yes, please." I held the helmet to my stomach. León took his motor and we started walking.

"I saw your show in Barcelona." León said after a while.

Barcelona. When I started crying as I was singing Podemos. Obviously he had to see that show..

"Oh." Was the only thing I could say. We walked another few minutes in silence. I guess we both didn't know what to say.

I felt a few drops on my nose. "No, not now." I whined. Not much later more drops fell down.

"Still not getting on the motor?" León asked with a smirk on his face. He was already putting his helmet on. I quickly put the helmet on and sat on the back of the motor. "Don't let go, okay?"

"Wasn't planning on it." I said as I tightly held onto him. We raced down the streets of Buenos Aires. Within no time we reached my house. We quickly walked to the front door, as it was still pouring.

"Uh, thanks for taking me home." León nodded. I jumped right into his arms when I heard a loud clap.

"I should really get home now." I frowned at him and shook my head.

"No, León, you can't go out in this weather." I opened the door and pulled him inside. "It's dangerous and I don't want," as I turned around our faces were only centimeters apart.

"You don't want what?" León asked. I looked up into his eyes.

"I-, uh, I don't, I don't want you to get hurt." I softly whispered as I put a hand on his chest. "Just stay the night."

We both started to lean in. "Hey guys." A raspy and sleepy voice said from behind us. I turned around and saw Federico walk out of the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand. "Are you staying the night?" He asked León.

"No, I should really," another clap of thunder was heard. I jumped into León's arms again.

"Please." I whispered. León softly smiled at me and stroked my cheek with his finger.

"Yeah, I'm staying the night." León said. Federico nodded.

"You can have my old room. I'm sharing with m'lady." He said. León nodded and the three of us made our way upstairs.

"I'll go get you something to sleep in." Federico said and disappeared towards his old room. León and I stood at my bedroom door.

"Vilu," León took a step closer to me and I was blocked between him and the door, "I still care about you. A lot." I smiled and we both leaned in again.

"Here, I got you some joggers. Night guys." Federico threw the joggers towards León. He walked into Ludmila's room.

"I should, uh, we should probably go to bed." I agreed with him. "Goodnight." León said after he kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight." I whispered and went in my room.

He still cares about you, Vilu.

When I finally had my pajamas on I crawled into bed. It felt like five minutes had passed as a loud clap of thunder woke me again.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand. An hour passed. I was laying there on my back and I was staring at the ceiling.

Another clap of thunder made me jump up in bed. I quickly got out of bed and walked down the hall to Federico's old room. I quietly opened the door. "León?" I whispered.

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