14 - Violetta

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"And look at this," I showed León the picture Ludmila took of me and Aria, "she's so adorable!"

León chuckled. "I bet she is. But no baby will ever be more adorable than ours."

Did he say what I think he said?

"You want to have children with me?" I softly asked with a small smile on my face.

"Yeah, of course! Maybe not now, because of our careers, but yes. I want to have kids with you."

I nodded. "Me too." I said. "I mean, I want to have children with you, too." León chuckled.

God, I miss that chuckle. And his laugh. And his smile. And his eyes. I just miss him.

"Violetta?" I looked back at the computer screen and saw León waving his arms around. "There you are. I have to go, we need to record a song today."

I nodded with a sad smile on my face. "Right. Have fun."

"Hey, now. Don't be sad. Only four more months and we'll be back together again."

"Yeah, but that is still so long!" I pouted

"I know. Just think of all the things we'll get to do once I'm back." He winked at me. "Now I really have to go. Skype again tomorrow?" I nodded. León blew me a kiss through the laptop. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I also blew him a kiss. "Goodbye." We both logged off. I sat back in my chair. I frowned as I felt something come up. "What the-,"

I jumped out of the chair and sprinted towards the bathroom. I emptied my stomach above the toilet. When I finished throwing up I sat back on the floor. I stood up and brushed my teeth. Maybe I should see a doctor.

Headaches? Throwing up?

I spit the toothpaste out in the sink and rinsed my mouth. I walked to my bedroom and got a fleece blanket. I walked towards the living room and cuddled up to the blanket. I wish León was here. I sighed and turned the tv on.

A show about famous people was on. I shrugged and decided to watch it.

"Moving on to the next topic: Violetta Castillo and León Vargas," I sat up straight on the couch and turned the volume up, "rumour has it the two got back together again. Both superstars went back to Buenos Aires for their school reunion. Sources saw them leave together on León's motorcycle." I rolled my eyes. "We aren't sure wether they are back together because León is currently in Madrid working on songs for All 4 U's coming up album and has been spotted with a mystery girl for quite a few times now."

I frowned and looked at the picture of León walking through Madrid with a girl. Maybe it's just a friend of his? I looked back at the tv. "Whatever their current relationship status is, we are rooting for Leonetta to get back to"gether, ASAP, because I mean, look at how cute they are together." The topic about us ended with a photo of us from the On Beat tour in 2014.

I turned the tv off and sunk further in the couch. I heard my phone go off a few times. I picked up from the coffee table.

From: Ludmi
Oh my God! Did you see Show News? I will kill León if he's cheating!

To: Ludmi
Don't kill him, please. I'm sure he can explain.

From: Ludmi
Yeah, sure he can. Anyway, can I come over? I'm very bored.

To: Ludmi
Of course you can! See you in a bit!

I closed my phone and sat back on the couch. I know León. He isn't cheating. He wouldn't do that, I've known him for a very long time. I love him and he loves me. I rolled my eyes. The girl is probably his friend.

I looked at my phone for a while. I unlocked it and went to his name. My finger lingered above the call button for a few seconds. I groaned. I locked the phone again and threw it to the side. I trust him. I shouldn't worry too much. Just friends.

I jumped a little in my seat as I heard the intercom buzz. I quickly walked over and held the button. "Yes?"

"It's me, Ludmila." I quickly buzzed her up and went to open the door. I walked back to the couch and began thinking of León again. The doorbell rang.

"It's open!" I called out. I heard the door open and then fall close again. I heard the sound of heels coming towards the living room. I turned my head and saw Ludmila. "Hey Ludmi."

She smiled and sat down next to me. "Are you feeling better?" I frowned. "Because of your headaches?" I shook my head.

"Not really. I've been feeling nauseous, still have headaches and my back is aching." I told Ludmila as I wrapped the blanket thighter around my body. Ludmila seemed to think about something for a while.

"Have you had sex with anyone lately?" I stayed quiet. "Alright, I take it you have. Was it León?" I nodded. "Okay and were you having safe sex?"

"Ludmila, what are you getting at? I'm not in the mood to discuss my entire sex live with you." I groaned. Ludmila rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm not entirely sure if we were save every time." Ludmila nodded.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

I shook my head. "Do you think I could be pregnant?" Ludmila shruggged.

"Anything is possible, hun. Especially if you didn't always have safe sex." I closed my eyes and let my head hang back on the back of the couch. "I mean, think about when Francesca was in the begining of her pregnancy she was nauseous and she had a sore back aswell."

I nodded. "Should we get a test tomorrow? It's late now. And I'm tired."


I anxiously looked over at my phone. Two more minutes and we would know. "You know what the worst part is?" Ludmila looked over at me. "I'll be six months pregnant when León will come back. He will miss out on so much."

Ludmila rubbed my back. "At least he will be there for the birth of your child." I nodded and looked over at the phone again. One minute. We sat there in silence for one more minute before the phone began to beep. I turned it off and walked over to the sink. My eyes widened and then imeadetetly softened.


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