17 - Violetta

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"Are you sure about this, Vilu?" Federico and Maxi had just dropped my off at the airport. I nodded my head. Federico sighed. "What about the baby? It's also León's baby."

I looked down. "I know, Fede." I sighed. "I won't ever hold León away from being a father to this baby. We didn't really break up, I just need some time away from him now." I explained to them. Federico pulled me in a tight hug.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay? You were only here for two days." I chuckled and nodded. Maxi also gave me a hug.

Maxi gave me a kiss on the cheek. "The next time we will see you, that little one in there will have grown so much." Maxi said. I nodded and smiled as I thought of my little baby. Maxi got his phone out of his pocket. He frowned as he read a text he got.

"Is there something wrong?"

With that same frown still on his face, he shook his head. "That was, uh, Andrés. Apparently León is on his way here." Maxi said as his eyes widened. He turned to Federico. "You don't think he-,"

I looked over at Federico, who had wide eyes as well now. "He wouldn't!"

I frowned. I'm so lost, what are they talking about? "Uh, guys? What's going on? What wouldn't León do? You two are confusing me." The boys turned to me. Maxi paced back and forth. Federico and I sat down in some chairs.

Federico sratched the back of his neck. "León, he, uh, went to talk with our manager today." He said. I frowned. "And now he's coming here." Federico trailed off. Soon I put one and one together and my eyes also widened.

"No! No, this is not what I wanted! I don't want him to quit! Yes, I want to be a family with him, but I don't want him to give up on his dream. On your dream." I began to hyperventilate. Federico put his hands on my shoulders and told me to breathe. I nodded and took a deep breath.

Maxi also sat down now. "Okay, good, you're calm again." Federico sat back in his seat. He ran a hand through his hair. "Let's just hope he doesn't get here in time. That way he will have to stay here and we can talk some sense into him."

Maxi and I both nodded.

I felt my eyes become heavy. I put my head on Federico's shoulder and closed my eyes. Not much later, I drifted off.

I was standing in the kitchen off my house. I was cooking a meal for my family. A picture on the cooking Island caught my eye. I grabbed it and looked at it with a smile. A picture of my family. Of León and I's family.

"Mommy, we're home!" I heard our little boy running towards him. I picked him up from the floor and placed him on the cooking Island. "I had so much fun!" Mateo said with a big smile on his little face. I kissed his nose.

He scrunched up his little nose, which made me smile. "And did daddy win the match?" Matty, his nickname, nodded his head with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me from behind. "And there was this really nice lady, who helped daddy with his motors. She even let me sit on the motor for a little bit!" Matty said. I frowned. I took Matty off the Island and put him on the ground.

"Go play with your toys, sweetie, I need to talk to your father." Matty nodded and ran off to his playroom.

I unwrapped León's arms from my waist. "A nice lady who helped daddy with his motors?" I questioned. I turned back to the food and turned it down a little. León sighed from behind me. "It's her, isn't it? She's back in Argentina?"

I looked at a nodding León. "I promise, nothing happened. You are the only girl I love. You and our future daughter." He gave me a kiss on my lips. I pushed him away.

I looked down. "León, she's everywhere. She will always stand inbetween us, even if you say she won't. I know she will." I stirred through the pasta sauce. "She's everywhere we go." I turned around and León vanished.

Everything around me vanished. I was suddenly standing in another room. In another house. I saw a woman standing at the stove as she was making food. On a one of the drawers, a picture caught my eye. I walk over to it and picked it up.

León's family. León's family with Lara.

"Mommy! We're home!" The voice of a little girl filled the house. Not much later the sound of her little feet running over the floor filled the quiet house. Lara put the girl down on a chair. "I had so much fun with daddy at my dance class! He was the best dancer out of all the daddies!"

León appeared and wrapped his arms around Lara's waist. "And little Lidia was by far the best dancer of all the little girls." León gave both Lara and 'Lidia' a kiss. I frowned and a pang on my chest. I looked down, but saw nothing.

He looked happy. Happy to be with his family. With no trouble. Only love. I looked over again and saw León dancing around the room with the little girl on his feet. Lara was smiling as she took a picture of them.

I looked down and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Violetta!" Someone was shaking my shoulder. I felt my cheek, which to my surprise was still dry. I looked up and saw Federico and Maxi were looking at me. "Your flight is boarding."

I distantly nodded and got out of the chair. With a sigh I took my handbag. "Is León here?" Both boys shook their heads. "Okay." I gave each of them a hug. "Look out for him, okay? And if he did quit, please make him stay in the band. I know that this is what you guys always dreamed of." They nodded again and gave me another hug.

"Now, go, before you miss your flight!" Federico said. I nodded and began walking to my gate. Alright, Vilu, just keep walking. Don't look back. Just keep walking.

I stood in line for the security check. On my right I saw a couple holding hands. And in front of me stood a couple with a little baby. Oh, how I wish that was me and León.

Maybe one day..

Not gonna lie, I really like this chapter! So, will León be in time? What's going to happen to León and Vilu's relationship? Favourite part? Tell me your predictions in the comments, I love reading them! They give me inspiration! And they also make my day, so leave a comment. x

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