28 - Violetta

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Together with Ludmila, Francesca, Camila, Naty and Angie I walked through the doors of a wedding dress shop. Francesca and I were both going to look for wedding dresses. My father was looking after Matty whilst Diego looked after Aria.

My eyes widened as I saw the many, beautiful wedding dresses hanging in the store. One of the sales woman walked over to us. "Hello, how can I help you?" We told her about the apointement we made. She nodded. "I'm going to get one of my co-workers so we can help you two out. You may take a seat at couch number four." We nodded and began making our way to the couch.

"I'm so excited!" I told Fran as I held her hand. She nodded in agreement. The sales woman from earlier came back with another sales woman. They shook our hands and introduced themselves as Ruby and Sonia.

Sonia clapped her hands together. "Alright, let's try on some dresses. Violetta, if you'll go with Ruby, I'll take Francesca with me." Francesca and I nodded and began to follow the sales women to a rack of dresses.

"So, what did you have in mind?" Ruby asked.

I looked through the dresses. "I was thinking of something simple, but elegant as well." I told Ruby. She nodded. Together we began to look through the dresses. Ruby got a few dresses off the rack and showed them to me. I nodded. "I'll try those on."

We walked towards one of the fitting rooms. Ruby helped me get in the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror of the fitting room. I smiled. "Do you like it?" Ruby asked. I nodded. "Are you ready to show your friends?" I once again nodded.

Ruby let me out of the fitting room and together we walked towards the others. I saw that Francesca was already standing in front of them, in a beautiful white dress. The dress was strapless and had some ruffles on the end. It was very simple, just like mine. My dress had a mermaid shape and had sleeves that reached just over my elbows. I stood next to Francesca. "And?"

I looked over at Angie. Her opinion meant most to me. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Vilu, you look beautiful!" The other girls nodded in agreement.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed. "I don't think this is the one." I said. I looked over at Fran. She was also looking at herself. She sighed as well.

"Same goes for me. I think I'm going to try another one on."

We both disappeared back to our fitting rooms. I tried on several more dresses, that all didn't feel like they were the right one. Francesca however, had found her perfect dress in no time. And man, it looked great on her.

Ruby came back into the fitting room with another dress in her arms. "Maybe try this one on?" I nodded. Ruby once again helped me into the dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and got teary eyed. "Like it?"

"Love it."

Ruby took my back to the girls. I stood in front of them and smiled. "Do you like?" Every single one of them nodded with big smiles on their faces. I smiled as I looked into the mirror. "Me too." I whispered. In the corner of my eye I saw Ruby smile. She stood behind me.

"So, are you finally," she winked at me, "saying yes to the dress?"



"Can I see it?" León asked.

I shook my head with a smile. "Nope. It's going to be a surprise." I winked at León. He groaned. "Sorry, babe. At least we'll keep it somewhat traditional." I told him.

León rolled his eyes. "I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Violetta Vargas." I smiled.

Violetta Vargas.

"Does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" León and I both chuckled. We stayed quiet for a little while. "Oh, I forgot to tell you." León frowned. "I have a job!" I excitedly said.

León's eyes lit up. "You do? That's amazing!" I nodded. "Where did you get a job?" He asked.

"Art Rebel. They needed a singing teacher and I applied. They were very excited to have me as singing teacher." I told León. He rolled his eyes. "What?"

He smiled. "Yeah, Fran must be very excited to start working with you. You two literally can't go a day without seeing each other." Now I rolled my eyes at him. "So, when do you start?" He asked. I got my Phone out and looked at the text Fran had sent me with some information.

"Uh, I start next Monday."

León nodded. "What about Matty?" He asked. "Will he stay with Angie and your father?"

I shook my head. "He'll stay with Francesca in her office. She has Aria over there all the time. That's why she isn't the singing teacher. So, we'll have free daycare for him as well." I said with a chuckle at the end.

León nodded. "Hey, I'll be right back, yeah?" Before I could reply, León's screen turned black. I frowned.

Rude, much?

With a sigh I closed the laptop. I went over to Matty's crib and saw he was sound asleep. I smiled down at the little boy. I carressed his cheek lightly. I was taken out of my trance by the sound of the doorbell. I quicly made my way downstairs.

I speed walked to the door when the person decided to press it multiple times in a room. "I'm on my way! Relax!" I called out. I opened the door in one swift movement.


"León!" I jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. "You're home! I didn't know the tour ended today!" I looked over at the calendar that hung next to the mirror. Today's date was marked in all kinds of different colours.

León chuckled as he carried me and his luggage inside. "I somehow knew you'd forget." We both laughed. "Is Matt,-"

Before León could even finish his sentence, Mateo began to cry. We both let out anther chuckle. "Not anymore. If you go get him, I'll fix both of you something to eat." León nodded. He pulled me close to him and pressed his lips against mine.

"I love you."

I smiled at him. "I love you, too." Matty's cries began to get louder. "Now, go get your son and come back downstairs." I softly pushed him towards the stairs. I made my way into the kitchen and began to prepar a snack for León and a bottle for Matty.

Everything is already so much better with León back.

So, I updated again! I'm so proud of myself, twice a day! León is back! Yes! Okay, the next chapter will probably be up tomorrow as will the epilogue. And then the story is finished. It won't have a sequel, because I'll probably run out of idea's after the second chapter or so. Favourite part? Who's dress do you like better, Fran or Vilu's? Let me know in the comments! x

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