21 - Violetta

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With a big smile I waited for León to come off the track. He had just won the match. When he stepped off his motor, reporters surrounded him. He pushed them all aside and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my and pressed his lips against mine. He spun me around a little. "I told you. You two are my lucky charms."

I saw flashed go off everywhere. I giggled as he kept me close to him. "León, we have a few questions for you!" A reporter asked as he shoved a microphone into León's face. I chuckled as he grimaced. "How does it feel to be back on the track?"

León smiled. "It was great. I hadn't realized how much I missed it." He looked very happy when he talked about motor cross. He held my hand tightly and I smiled as I looked at them.

The reporter nodded. "Are you going to take time off racing when the baby is born?" The reporter gave a small nod towards me. León shrugged.

"We still need to discuss that. Obviously, I want to be there as much as I can. I would not be able to live with myself if I wouldn't be there for the baby." The reporter nodded and was about to ask another question. "If you don't mind, I'm going to celebrate." León pulled me away.

Once we were out of sight, he pulled me closer to him. "I love you." He pressed his lips against mine again. He placed his hand on my stomach. I smiled against his lips.

Diego, Francesca and Aria came over to congratulate on his win. I frowned when I saw Diego whisper something in León's ear. I gave Fran an elbow in her side and nodded my head towards the two whispering men. "Is Diego in on the plan?"

Francesca shrugged. "Honey, did you not listen to me? Don't worry about it. Just let it happen." She gave me a wink and then walked over to León with Aria in her arms. I frowned.

Is she in on the plan after all?

I sighed. I lifted my weight from one foot to the other. León must have noticed because he gave me an odd look. "Do you feet hurt?" He asked. All eyes were on me now. I nodded. "We'll go home right after they give me the prize."

León took my hand and brought me back to his team. He took a chair and made me sit down. I watched his team run around. They were all talking about how great León had raced. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair.


I groaned as I walked into the kitchen. "Can't you put the phone down for once?" I asked León as I took a seat across from him. He looked up from his phone, shook his head and then turned his attention back to the phone. I sighed. "Fine, then. Did you hear that, baby? Your daddy is being mean to me." I felt our little baby kick against my hand.

León chuckled. He shook his head with a smile on his face. His phone began to ran. He stood up from his chair. He gave me a kiss on my head. "I need to get this." He walked out of the kitchen.

I scoffed. "Of course you have to take that." I mocked. I also stood up and followed León to the living room. I squinted my eyes as I listened to his conversation.

"So, everything will be set up tomorrow?" I could fainlty hear someone talk on the other side of the line. "Great! Yes, then I will see you tomorrow. Alright, bye." He hung up the phone. I quickly ran back to the kitchen, but heard him chuckle. "I know you were eavesdropping." He said as he sat down in front of me.

I frowned. "What? Me? Eavesdropping? Pff, never." I rolled my eyes. León looked at me with an amused smile on his face. "Ugh, fine. Can I know as well?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. León shook his head with that same amused smile.

I groaned. "Why not?"

He waved his hand. I leaned over the table, as did León. He came close to my ear. "That's a surprise, babe." He kissed my cheek and then left the kitchen again. I sat back in my seat and crossed my arms. I scoffed again.

"It's a surprise babe." I mocked him, again. I turned the lights in the kitchen off and went to see if the door was closed. Once I made sure all the doors were locked I began making my way to our bedroom. I made a quick stop at the nursery.

I smiled at the little room. I closed the door and went into mine and León's bedroom. I saw him laying on the bed, with that stupid phone in his hands again. "León!" I whined. He looked up from his phone. "Come on. We haven't talked in ages!" I crawled underneath the blankets. "You're always on that stupid phone." I complained.

With a sigh, León put the phone on his nightstand. "Someone wants some attention." He smirked as he crawled over to me.


The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. I turned over and expected to see León. But no. He wasn't laying next to me. With a frown on my face I sat up. On my nightstand I found a note.

Come and find me.

I frowned. I got out of the bed and put on some clothes. I grabbed a coat and made my way to our kitchen, where I found another note.

Turn it around.

I turned the note around. On the other side of the note I found a piece of a picture. I carefully got it of the note and looked at it with a frown. Am I supposed to collect all pieces? I walked towards the living room. On the piano I saw another note. With a piece of picture next to it. And a clue to where the next piece would be.

After another hour of looking for pieces of the picture I finally got all of them, I think. I sat at the kitchen table and began to puzzle. I let out a frustrated groan. Reallly, León? I don't like puzzling. I'm terrible at it.

Thirty minutes later I finally managed to get all the pieces on the right place. My eyes widened at the picture. It was a picture of a wedding cake. I went to call León, but was interupted by the doorbell. I let out another groan.

I quickly walked towards the door. "Are you reading, Miss?" I let out a laugh as I saw Diego standing there in a drivers outfit.

"Yes, just let me get my shoes." I quickly walked back in a got my shoes. I also got my keys and then walked back to Diego. I closed the door behind me. "Okay, I'm ready." Diego nodded. He began walking to his car.

He opened the back door for me. "Thank you." I jokingly said. Diego let out a quiet chuckled and then walked towards the drivers seat.

León Vargas, what in the world did you have planned?

Anyone any idea's?? Favourite part? Let me know in the comments! x

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