20 - Violetta

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A few months later..

I walked to León and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned his head with a smile on his face. "Hey there." I kissed his cheek. I looked around the nursery.

"Do you like it?" León asked. I nodded. "I'm glad you do." He said with a chuckle. We had recently moved into our new house. House hunting was in one word, terrible. Every house I liked, León didn't like and vica versa. Finally, we stumbled upon a house that we both loved.

A house in which we could see our children grow up. A house in which we could see us grow old together. Our house.

León sat down on his knees and faced my pregnant stomach. "And you, do you like it, too, baby?" Our baby hadn't kicked before, no matter what we tried. And we tried a lot. León and I's hopeful looks fell as our baby still hadn't kicked. León stood up.

"He'll kick soon. I know so." I said. I'm still holding onto the feeling I got. This little baby is boy. When we went for our second ultrasound, we couldn't find out the gender of the baby. Because it wasn't laying in the right position. I looked around the nursery again.

In less than a few months time our little baby will be here.

I groaned. "León, stop throwing things at my stomach." I complained. León looked up from the wall he was painting, with a frown on his face.

"I'm not throwing anything, babe." My eyes widened, as did León's. I placed my hand on my stomach as I felt our little baby kick. León rushed over and also placed his hand on my stomach. I had never seen him smile so big. "Finally." He whispered.

I nodded, "finally." I repeated.


I took a bite from my slice of pizza. "León, we need to discuss baby names." I said during dinner that same night. Our little baby hadn't stopped kicking me since this afternoon. He nodded in agreement. "So, any idea's"?"

He was thinking for a little while. "How about Lidia for a girl?"

"No!" I quickly said. Flashbacks of that dream I had a few months ago, began playing in my mind. León frowned at me. "I, uh, I was thinking we could name the baby after my mom. If it's a girl." I mumbled. León smiled at me.

He nodded. "Yeah, of course we can do that." He took another bite from his pizza. "What did you have in mind for a boy? You're so certain it's a boy, so I can't imagine you don't have a name chosen yet." He laughed a little.

"I was thinking we could name him Mateo. Matty as his nickname." I said after I swallowed my piece of pizza. Other bit and pieces of the dream came in my mind. I smiled as I thought of them. I looked towards the kitchen. It looked exactly like the kitchen in my dream.

León was looking at me. "Mateo Vargas." He repeated the name over and over again, before he began smiling. "Matty Vargas. I love it." He finished his pizza. "So Mateo or María it is." I nodded. I felt our little baby kick again. "Is he or she on it again?"

"He." I corrected him. "But yes, he is." I rubbed my stomach.

León laughed. "I love how you're so sure it's a boy." He stood up and began cleaning the table. "Go rest, I'll clean the table." León said as he took our dirty plates to the kitchen. I stood up with a smile and walked over to the couch and layed down.

León joined me on the couch not much later. "Do you want to go to the track with me tomorrow? I have an important match." He began to rub my stomach. "I will probably  win with you and our baby there."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know. If I'm not too tired and my feet won't hurt too much, I will." León nodded as he gave me a kiss. He then also kissed my stomach.

"Don't tire mommy too much. Daddy needs her at his match tomorrow, baby." He whispered to my stomach. I smiled as I played with León's hair. He sat back up and pulled me close to him. "I love you." He mumbled as he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled. "I love you more." I smirked up at León. He shook his head.

"Impossible. I love you way more than you love me." He argued. With a smile on my face I shook my head.

"Nope. I love you way, way, way more than you love me." I kissed his lips. He smirked against my lips as he pulled me even closer to him.

"I love, love, love you way, way, way, way more than you love me." He mumbled against my lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I mumbled as I pressed my lips against his again. León smirked as he deepened the kiss.


I opened the door for Diego and Francesca. Francesca pushed Aria's empty pram inside. Diego followed her with the little girl in his arms. She's six months old already and I'm six months pregnant. Time really flies.

"Hey there, baby girl." I tickled her belly which made her smile. She clapped her hands. "Oh, you are such a little cutie." I closed the door behind Diego and Aria. Diego gave me a kiss on my cheek, as did Fran.

"Has León left already?" Diego questioned. I nodded. "When does his match start? We should probably hurry." He said.

I looked at the clock. "Nah, we have some time. It doesn't start for another hour. He just had to be there early." I sat down on the couch next to Fran. Diego sat in an arm chair with Aria on his lap. I smiled at them.

That'll be León in a few months.


Together with Fran and Diego I walked towards León's team. They all greeted me with a smile. "Where is León?" I asked his team. They nodded their heads towards the track. "Thank you." We went to stand on the sidelines of the track.

I smiled as I saw León rush by us. "Do you think Lara will come back now that she knows León is back on the track again?" Fran questioned after a little while. Diego went to get a drink with Aria. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I hope now. Everything is going really well between us right now." I looked over at Fran, who was nodding. "He's acting a little strange lately, though." Fran frowned. "He's always on his phone. He says he's texting the boys, but I don't know."

Francesca sighed. "Don't you think he's misses being in the band? I mean, that was his dream." Fran looked at me with a knowing look on her face.

I nodded. "But he couldn't be texting them the entire time, right?" We sat down on a bench together. I ran a hand through my hair. "And he never let's me read his texts." I played with my hands. Fran put her arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry too much about it. For all you know, he could be planning a surprise for you." She looked at me with a small smile.

I nodded again. " You're right. I'm worrying too much. Wait," Fran looked at me, I eyed her suspiciously, "are you in on his secret?" Francesca began to laugh as she shook her head. I sighed. Francesca pulled me in a hug.

"Just let it rest, yeah?" I nodded.

Francesca is right, just let it rest. He loves you and  only you and you know that.

Hmm, is León really texting the boys? The entire time? Or is he up to something else? Favourite part?? Let me know in the comments! x

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