07 - León

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"León, I'm sure she's still in love with you, too." Was what Fran told me. "Just tell her."

And now, here I was. Laying in Violetta's bed with my arms tightly around her. She softly breathed in and out.

Her head was laying on my chest. Last night was amazing. Everything was just perfect. I smiled down at Violetta.

I carefully unwrapped my arms from her waist. Violetta turned around and cuddled up to a pillow. I put on my underwear and went to the kitchen.

I looked through some of the cabinets. I found some bread. I quickly made some breakfast for Violetta and I. In the fridge I found orange juice.

After opening many cabinets I finally found a tray. I also put some fruit on the tray and then carefully walked back to Violetta's room.

I put the tray on her dresser. I crawled back in bed. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Vilu, wake up." I softly whispered in her ear.

I saw her eyes squint open a bit. She blinked a few times and then looked at me. She smiled. "Good morning." She mumbled.

I smiled as I kissed her cheek again. "Good morning. I made breakfast." I got off the bed and set the tray down on the bed.

"León, you didn't have to do that." She took a bite out of the bread. "But, thank you."

"Anything for you." I smiled at her as I also started eating.


"Who are you texting?" I asked Violetta. She looked up at me.

"Oh, I'm inviting everyone for a house warming next Saturday." She looked back at her phone and then put it away. "What are you doing today?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you." I told her. She frowned at me and then pouted. "No, please don't give me that look!" I closed my eyes.

"What look?" Violetta giggled. "This one?" I opened my eyes and saw she was still pouting. "Please tell me!" She begged. I shook my head and closed my eyes. I felt her sit down on my lap. "Please." She whispered in my ear.

I gulped. My eyes shot open. "I-, I can't. I pr-, promised," I let out a sigh. Violetta kissed my neck and then all the way up to my cheek.

"Promised who?" She sat back a little and looked me in the eyes. "Please?" I groaned.

I couldn't say no to her. Not when she was looking like that. She sat on my lap, in my shirt with her hair down and no make-up on.

"I will tell you tonight. I promise." I told her. Violetta wrapped her arms around me, still pouting.


I chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "It'll be worth the wait." I looked over at the clock.

"It better be." Violetta mumbled. I chuckled and kissed her again. Violetta pushed me back on the couch as her legs wrapped around my waist.

"Vilu, I need to go." I mumbled in between the kisses.

"Alright. Have fun." She said. She stayed on my lap. It didn't look like she was planning to move any time soon.

I smiled as I picked her up in bridal style. I walked her over to her bedroom. I softly threw her on her bed. "León, please stay."

"I wish I could." I towered above her. "I'll come back tonight, yeah?" Violetta nodded. I kissed her again.

I stood up. "Wait, León, your shirt!" I shook my head as I turned around.

"No, you can ke-," my eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Violetta cheekily smiled at me as she held my shirt in her hand. She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I walked back over her and pushed her down on the bed again.


"León, you're ten minutes late!" Maxi said as he nervously walked around the room. With a smile on my face, I rolled my eyes.

"Would you just calm down?" I put a hand on Maxi's shoulder. "Just enjoy the moment." I told him.

"No! I can't everything needs to be perfect! I only get one chance at this!" Maxi said as he gave me a small push. "Andrés! Broduey! Federico! We need to rehearse!"

The other guys walked into the room. "Maxi, I'm saying this because I care about you: calm down!" Broduey said. "If you keep stressing like this, yes, you'll screw up. Just breath."

"Right. Okay." Maxi took a deep breath. "Now get your asses up on that stage." He pushed us towards the stage.

We had rehearsed for nearly an hour now. "Do you think Naty will like it?" Maxi nervously asked us.

"Yes. Of course she will! She'll love it." Federico said. "All those songs describe your relationship so well."

"Okay. Let's just go over the plan again. I will take Naty out today. I'll take her to a movie and that's whe-,"

"Maxi!" Maxi looked at me us with wide eyes.

"What? Did I forget something? Oh no! Diego, he's,-"

Maxi got interupted again. "Is right here." Diego said. "With a camera." He added. "Don't worry about it. I've got it all covered."

"Okay." Maxi took another deep breath. "You guys told nobody right?" We all shook our heads.

"It wasn't easy, though. Cami questioned me all morning on where I was going." Broduey said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Vilu questioned me all morning. She even tried to seduc,-"

"You were with Violetta?" Maxi questioned. My eyes widened as I realised what I just said.

"I, uh, yeah." I sighed. "She moved in next door. And, uh, yeah." I stammered. All the guys looked at me with big smiles on their faces. "What?"

"I totally called it!" Andrés said. I rolled my eyes at him. I know he did. I bet they all knew it would happen sooner or later.

"So," Federico started, "did anything happen?" I felt my cheeks heat up.

Guys shouldn't blush, León! Stop blushing! Seriously, León, stop! You're making a fool of yourself!

"Something happened!" Broduey said. I looked at the ground. "Did you two have,-" Broduey didn't even need to finish his sentence because by now I felt my cheeks get even warmer.

They all gave me a pat on the back. I groaned as they all started asking me questions. "We should go rehearse again. We can't screw up now, can we?"

The boys laughed as they walked up on the stage.

What do you guys think is gonna happen next chapter?

And I think the song really describes León and Vilu's relationship in this book. For those who don't know, it's about returning to the one they love and not being able to live with each other's love

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