26 - León

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The tour finally arrived in Buenos Aires. Violetta is coming to the show and she's taking Matty. I haven't seen him for about three weeks. Yes, through Skype, it's just not the same. Tonight I'll finally be able to hold him again.

"Can I ask you something?" Fede said down on the couch next to me. I nodded. "Okay. What's it like to be a father? I know you haven't exactly spend a lot of time with Matty, but what did you feel when you first held him?"

I smiled as I thought of the first time I held him. "It's the most magical feeling in the world. Just looking down at this little baby that depends on you. It's amazing." I gushed. "Why are you so interested all of the sudden?"

Federico began to smile like crazy. "Ludmi and I want to try for a baby. It's just difficult with all the touring we're doing right now." I nodded in understandment.

"Believe me, it'll be all worth it."

"León!" I jumped up from the couch as I heard Violetta call for me. I ran over to her and spun her around. "I missed you so much." She gave me a quick kiss on my lips. I put her back on the ground and gave her another kiss.

I looked at the pram standing next to us. Mateo was looking at us with big eyes. I took him in my arms and held him close. "Hey there, buddy." I kissed his face over and over again. He let out little giggles as he grabbed for my face. "I missed you." Violetta wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder.


"Tonight is a very special night for me." Fans screamed loudly. "Because my three week old son is backstage with his beautiful mother." More fans screamed. I looked behind me and saw a picture of me, Vilu and Matty appear on the screen. The boys had all gone backstage so I could have a little moment. "So, if it's alright with you, I would like to sing a song. About him."

I smiled as I heard the audience scream very loudly. "I take that as a yes." I got my guitar and began playing the notes of Taylor Swift's Never Grow Up.  After I finished the song, the music of Ven Con Nosotros began to play. I smiled as I ran over to the boys and together we jumped around the stage for the rest of the evening.

"Thank you very much! We are All 4 U and we love you very much!" Broduey called through the microphone. A blind in the stage opened and we all jumped in one by one. The first thing I did backstage was walk to my family.

I pulled Violetta in a tight hug. "Eww, León, go shower. You're sweaty." I kissed her cheek. I got Matty out of his pram and hugged him as well. "León. Shower. Now." I chuckled. I put my son back in his pram and gave Violetta another hug. "León, I'm serious. Take a freaking shower."

I gave her one last kiss then disappeared to the dressing room. I took a quick shower. All freshed up I walked back to the backstage area. "Hey, Ludmi, haven't seen you in a while." I gave her a hug. "Have you seen Vilu?"

"Uh, yes, she went to feed Matty, at the catering room, I believe. Have you seen Fede?"

I nodded. "Dressing room." She nodded then walked away. I began making my way to the catering room. And yes, there Violetta sat, giving Mateo his bottle. I took a chair and sat down next to her. "Hey." She smiled at me. I rubbed Matty's cheek with my finger. "Hey buddy." He just stared at me with his eyes. They looked a lot like Vilu's.

"You were really good." She commented. I smiled as I kept looking at Matty. "I love when you sang Never Grow Up." She added.

"Glad you did." As Matty was drinking from his bottle, Violetta and I talked about what we both have been up to for the past three weeks. "Ready to go home?"

Violetta looked at me with wide eyes. "You're staying home?"

I nodded. "Yes. We all are." I helped her with Matty. Together we walked out of the venue. "By the way, did you know Fede and Ludmi want to try and have a baby?" I asked as we got in her car. I saw her nod. I buckled Matty in. I got in the drivers seat whilst Vilu got in her car.

"She told me a few weeks ago, I believe. I hope they'll have a baby soon. It's all Ludmila has been talking about lately." Violetta told me with a smile. I smiled as well. I began driving to our house. It's been so long since I've been here.

I had just put Matty to bed. I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch with Violetta. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. "The boys and I have all been talking about starting families." I told her. She looked at me with a frown. "We want to take a little break from the band. So we can have famlies."

"Are you say-,"

"Yes, after this tour I'll be home for a very long time." She gave me one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on her. She got on my lap and pressed her lips to mine. "Want to take thi,-" Matty's cries interrupted us. We both let out a chuckle.

"We'll continue this tomorrow evening." Violetta got off my lap and went upstairs to see what Matty needed. I watched her walk away. I sat back in the couch. I thought of all the time I could now finally spend time with my family. Vilu and I would be able to have more kids and I'd actually be able to watch them grow up.

Sorry, I forgot to update yesterday! Anyway, here's the next chapter. Not a lot of exciting things happened, just a lot of Leonetta loving. Favourite part? Let me know in the comments! Also, this story is nearing the ending, what would you like to see as the ending? You can also let me know that in the comments!

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