04 - Francesca

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I opened the heavy doors of Art Rebel. I greeted some of the students as I made my way to the office.

As I walked in, I saw a big bouquet of roses on my desk. I walked towards my desk and took the card out of the bouquet.

"For the most beautiful woman on Earth. Kiss Diego." I read out loud. I smiled at the card and then at the roses.

How did I get so lucky?

"Do you like them?" I heard Gregorio ask from behind me. I turned around, still smiling. I nodded.

"Love them." Gregorio nodded, then started looking through some drawers.

"Good. Diego was in such a rush this morning, trying to get those flowers in this office before you'd get here." He told me. That made me even smile wider. Gregorio opened another drawer.

I frowned. "What are you looking for?" I asked as I sat down in my chair. Gregorio stood up and faced me.

"The audition files." I smiled at him as I handed him the files. "What? But, where?"

"I was looking through them yesterday. Some pretty amazing singers and dancers in there." Gregorio scoffed.

"I'll be the judge of that." He turned on his heel and walked out of the room. Some things just never change. I shook my head with a smile. I turned towards the computer and logged in.

Not too long after Gregorio left, Diego walked in. "Fran, you in here?" I popped my head out from behind the roses. "Ah, okay. The auditions are about to start. Are you coming?"

"Yes. I'll be right there. Just need to finish some of this administration." I heard Diego hum in response. "Hey, Diego," again he hummed, "thank you for the flowers." I told him with a smile.

"Always." And then I heard him walk out. I quickly finished the administration. I got out of the chair, which became harder everday, and then went towards the stage.

When Diego saw me he quickly stood up so I could take a seat. I thanked him as I sat down. Diego went to sit behind us on a box.

After we watched around twenty-five auditions, it was time for a break. Gregorio told us he was out for lunch.

"Did you also get Vilu's text?" Diego asked. I shrugged.

"What does it say?" I turned the chair around. Diego gave me his phone. My eyes went wide. "Oh my, come on. Get up." Diego stood up and looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Alright, now please help me up."

Diego chuckled and helped me out of the chair. "Okay. Now, drive us to the address that Violetta texted us." Diego nodded and took me to his car.

Not much later we arrived at a large building. "What number was it again?" I asked Diego. He looked at his phone.

"Number 10A." Diego said. He then pushed the button for apartment 10A. We waited for Violetta to answer.

"Hello?" Violetta's voice rung through the intercom.

"Hey, it's Fran and Diego." I told her. Not even a second later she buzzed us in. We walked over to the elevator and I pressed the button for the tenth floor. The elevator shot up.

We stepped out of the elevator and walked towards Vilu's apartment. The door was already wide open, with Vilu standing in the doorway. "I'm so glad you two are here. Please, come in." The three of us stepped inside.

Violetta gave us a tour of the still empty apartment. "And? What do you think?" She asked us.

I rushed over to her and hugged her. "I love it." Vilu looked at me with a smile and then she hugged me.

"If you want, I can help you move in here." Diego offered. Violetta nodded and then also hugged him.

"Thank you. That means a lot." She told him. "Fran, have you seen this view? It's breath taking." Vilu pulled me over towards a big window.

"You can look out over all of Buenos Aires." I said. "I'm so jealous." Violetta wrapped an arm aroud my waist.

"I missed you, Fran." She mumbled. Our little moment was ruined as the doorbell rang.

"You expecting someone else?" Diego asked. With a frown Violetta shook her head. Diego and I followed her to the door.

She cautiously opened the door. "Hi. I heard we got a new neighbour so I decided to, Violetta?"

"León?" Violetta questioned. "You live here?" She asked with wide eyes. Diego and I stepped out from behind the door. We both greeted León.

"Yeah, I live next door." He explained to the three of us. Everyone just stayed silent for a bit.

"Uh," Diego began, "Fran and I should head back to Art Rebel." I nodded and agreed with him. "Just call me when you need help with moving in." Diego said. We both hugged Violetta and León and then quickly left.

When we stood in the elevator I began chuckling. "What are the odds. Vilu buying a place next to León's."

Diego stood there, shaking his head with a goofy smile. "I guess their connection is so strong, they were just meant to find a way back to each other somehow."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Not as strong as our connection, though." Diego smiled and then pressed his lips to mine. "How about we ditch the auditions and go do something else?" I mumbled against his lips.

Diego sighed. "You know I would love that." He said. "But we can't leave my father alone during the auditions, we won't have any students then."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know." I quickly pecked his lips.


The next morning I woke up with Diego's arms wrapped around my pregnant stomach. "Good morning, beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

"Morning." I mumbled. "Do you feel that?" I asked him with a smile. I could feel Diego nod.

"She's going to be a great soccer player." Diego said with a smile. I turned myself around in his arms and raised an eyebrow at him

"She?" I questioned. Diego nodded with a smile as he repeated what I said. "No, Diego, please, this is obviously a boy."

Diego looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Francesca," I nearly melted at the way he said my name, "I love you. Very much. But this is a girl, trust me."

I shook my head. "It's a boy." I argued. Diego shook his head with a smile. He kissed my forehead then got out of bed. I pouted. "No, stay in bed."

Diego chuckled. "I promised my dad to meet him for breakfast." He came over and gave me a peck on my lips. "I will see you in the afternoon."

So, what do you guys think? Boy or girl?

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