16 - Violetta

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León was out with Lara. Lara was his mystery girl. Out of all the girls in the world, it just had to be Lara. We had just finished our picnick and were now back in León's hotelroom. I layed on the bed and started at the ceiling, my hands laying on my stomach.

The door bursted open and all the guys came walking in. "Vilu! León just told us the good news!" I looked over at León who was smiling widely. All the boys came over to congratulate me. I thanked them all with a small smile on my face.

"Are you staying for the time we have left here?" Andrés asked as we all went to sit on the couch.

I shook my head. "No, I leave next week. If I stay here for the whole time, I might not be allowed to fly back to Buenos Aires. Because that would not be good for the baby."  I explained to the boys. They all nodded.

"So León won't be at the ultrasounds?" Federico questioned. We shook our heads. "A shame." Federico said. We frowned at him. "Diego told me those ultrasounds are like magic. You know, seeing your baby for the first time, hearing its heartb,-"

Broduey pulled Federico up from the couch. "Alright, I think it's time for us to go now." Maxi and Andrés nodded as they followed Broduey out of the hotelroom. I looked over at León who had his head in his hands.

"Great." He muttered. "Just great. I'll miss everything!" I took his hand in mine. "Maybe I should just quit the band. Become a family with you."

"No. I don't want you to do that. You all worked so hard to get this band off the ground. I will not let you walk away from that. And we both know you won't want that." I said as I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb. "We'll figure out a way for you to be at the ultrasounds."

León nodded. "Yeah." I put my head on his shoulder. "At least I will be there for when the baby is born. I wouldn't want to miss that." He kissed my forehead.


León and the guys had studio time all day. I had been in the hotelroom by myself for nearly the whole day, before I decided to go shopping. I grabbed a pen and paper and left León a note. Just in case he comes back before I do.

I grabbed my things and left the hotel. I walked towards the centre of the city where all the shops were. I looked through the windowshops, but nothing really caught my eye. I sat down in a cafe and ordered a coffee with a muffin.

I got my phone out of my bag, maybe León had called? Or left a text? But no. I sighed. He's probably to busy to check up on me. The waitress came back with my order. "Thank you." She nodded and went on to the next table.

I took a sip from my coffee. "Violetta Castillo? Is that really you?" I looked up from my muffin. No way! "That has been a while!" The guy sat down in front of me.

"Yeah, it has been." I said with a frown. I put the muffin back down on the plate. "How have you been?" I asked the guy.

He smiled widely at me. "Good, good. Performing in bars every now and then. But you, wow, your really made it big!" I nodded with a smile on my face. "So, you and León are a thing now?"

I smiled widely now. "Yes! Well, we just got back together, actually." The guy nodded. "We seperated for a little bit."

"I'm glad you are happy with him."

"Me too. How about you? Are you seeing anyone, Tómas?" Tómas nodded his head. "Oh, tell me!" I excitedly said.

"Her name is Delia. I met her a few months ago when I was performing in a bar. We're not 'official' or anything, but that won't be long anymore." Tómas said. I smiled and nodded. "Any reason you came to Madrid?"

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