19 - Violetta

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León and I had been back to Buenos Aires for about two weeks now. Today was the day of my very first ultrasound. León had been spending a lot of time at the motorcross track again. I went back in the studio to record some songs again.

"León, hurry up! You'll make us be late!" I stayed over at his house for most of my time. León rushed out of the bedroom as he put on one of his shoes. I sighed as I placed my hands on my hips. "I told you not to go to the track today."

León came over and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. He looked towards the clock. "We still have plenty of time." He got his coat and put it on. He went to the kitchen and came back with his keys in his hand. "Let's go." He took my hand and together we walked out.

We passsed my apartment. "Hey, León? Should we maybe go look for a house? I mean, we're having a baby, we're engaged but yet we still have different apartments." I explained. León nodded. "I can say up my rent for the next month and move in with you? If that's okay with you."

León chuckled. "Vilu, please, you're at my place all the time. You pretty much live there already." I smiled and nodded.


"So, is this your first?" The nurse asked as I layed down on the table in the hospital. León and I nodded. "Alright, you two must be very excited then." She smiled as us. "If you could lift your shirt up just a little?"

I did as the nurse told me to do and lifted my shirt. She put some gel on it. I held León's hand as an image appeared on the screen. "And that little thing right there is your baby." The nurse pointed to something on the screen. My eyes began to water a little.

Our baby.

"Are you able to tell the gender?" León questioned as his eyes were fixed on the screen.

The nurse shook her head. "We won't be able to tell until the fourth months of the pregnancy. Which means you'll have to wait for a few more months." The nurse explained to us. "I'm guessing you want some photo's, right?" I nodded. "Okay. Well, the baby seems to be doing fine. I don't see anything unusual. So for now the baby's healthy. I'll be right back with your photo's." The nurse handed me a tissue to wipe the gel off my stomach.

When the door closed behind the nurse, León turned to me. He put his hand on my stomach. "Our baby." He whispered. I smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Now I understand why Diego said this was a magical moment."

I nodded in agreement. "We should tell our parents today." I suddenly said.

León frowned. "I, uh, might have already told mine." He sheepisly said as he strachted the back of his neck. I gave him an annoyed look. "What? Wasn't I supposed to tell them yet?"

"No, I wanted to tell them together. And also, not over the phone." I complained. I threw my legs over the bed and turned my back to León. "That's just so not personal."

León sat down next to me. "If it helps," he began, "I told them via Skype." I groaned in my seat. León laughed as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. The nurse came back in and handed me an envelope with the ultrasound pictures.

"All you have to now is stop by the front desk real quick to make your next appointment." The nurse shook both our hands. León and I thanked her. After we made my next appointment we walked out of the hospital, with our fingers laced together.

León opened the car door for me and then walked over to the driver seat of his car. I took the ultrasound pictures out and smiled at them. "To your father and Angie, then?" I nodded. "Okay." León began driving to my old house.

With shaking hands I pressed the doorbell. "Stop being so nervous, you'll make me nervous as well." León said as he took his hand in mine. "There's nothing to be nervous about." The door opened and there stood my father.

"Vilu!" He pulled me in a tight hug. "León, good to see you." My dad shook hands with León before letting us in.

"Is Angie home?" I asked as I walked over to the couch. I sat down with León beside me. Dad nodded as he called for Angie. She appeared from the kitchen. I got up from the couch and gave her a big hug. "I've missed you so much, Angie!"

Angie chuckled. "I missed you, too, Vilu." She took a seat next to my dad whilst I took a seat next to León again. "Is there anything you need to tell us?" Angie wiggled her eyebrows at us. Oh, she's good! It's like she already knows.

León and I nodded. I took the envelope out of my bag and put them on the table. Angie took it off the table and opened them. Her eyes widened as she looked at the ultrasounds. I looked at my father and Angie with excited eyes.

Angie put the pictures on my dad's lap as she stood up and gave me another hug. "I'm so happy for you two!" She gave us both a kiss on the cheek. "But are you sure you're ready?" She questioned as she sat down next to me.

León took my hand. "A hundred percent sure." He said with a smile. I nodded in agreement. I looked over at my dad who was still looking at the ultrasound pictures. I frowned.

"Dad?" He looked up from the pictures. He stared at us for a little while. "Aren't you going to say anything?" I questioned. He shook his head and stood up. I looked down at my lap, but suddenly I felt two strong arms lift me up from the couch. I looked up and saw my dad was giving me a big hug. "We're also engaged." I quickly said, while dad is still in a good mood.

Dad released me from the hug. León also stood up. My dad put his hand out to León. They shook hands. "Congratulations, you two." Angie also congratulated us again, on our engament this time.


"How about this one?" I turned the laptop towards León and showed him a picture of a house. It wasn't too small, but also not too big. It had big back yard, though. León nodded as he focused back to his phone. I frowned. "What's so important on that phone?"

León shook his head. "I'm just texting the guys." He mumbled. I nodded as I went back to searching for houses. He put his phone away. "Did you say up the rent for your apartment already?" I nodded as I kept my eyes focused on the computer. "Did you find something?"

I sighed. "I have already showed you three houses I like and now you want to know if I found something?" I closed the laptop and walked towards León's bedroom. Or is it our bedroom now, seeing as I spend so much time here?

I felt the bed dip in next to me. León's arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm sorry." He mumbled as he kissed my neck. "We can go take a look at them tomorrow?" He suggested. I nodded.

"Yes, I'd like that." I smiled as I pressed my lips to his.

Are you going along with Vilu's feeling and say it's a boy? Or will it be a girl after all? Favourite part? Let me know in the comments! x

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