02 - Violetta

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Together with my dad, Angie, Ludmila and Federico I walked through the doors of the studio.

Everyone was dressed as the dresscode said: white and gold. I followed Ludmila and Federico towards our group of friends. Now only Diego, Francesca and Léon weren't here yet.

We all started catching up with the things we've been through. And when Francesca and Diego finally arrived they got attacked with questions about their baby.

I looked towards the door and just then León walked in.

Our eyes briefly met, but then Pablo walked on to the stage. He grabbed a microphone and stood at the edge of the stage.

"Good evening, students, parents, teachers and most of all, good evening Class of 2015." Everyone cheered. "This night is for our most succesful group of students than has ever come out of this studio."

Everyone cheered again. "Us, as teachers, are very proud of all the things you have accomplished after the studio. And I'm really sure that Antonio would have been so proud of you."

I felt my eyes become a bit teary when Pablo mentioned Antonio. The familiar tune of Algo Se Enciende started playing.

"Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado," I started singing and walked towards the stage. "Viajando tu mundo del pasado," I now stood on the stage.

Not much later I was joined with Camila and Naty. And then, everyone joined us on the stage. Some of us girls got a little teary, including me.

The audience cheered as we finished the song. Bruedway pulled us in a group hug. "Oh, I missed you guys so much." Camila said.


We all sung mulitple times that night. Together with Camila and Francesca I sung Codigo Amistad. And then all of us girls sung A Mi Lado.

And we all sung Ser Mejor, without Francesca sadly.

The boys had just finished singing Are You Ready For The Ride. I turned to the girls. "I'm going to get some fresh air." I told them. They all nodded, but quickly lost their attention as their boyfriends approached us. I faintly smiled and walked outside.

I sat down on a bench just outside the studio. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed deeply.

"Los sentimos los dos," I smiled and turned around. León stood there with a rose and a small smile on his face. "El corazón nos hablo, y al oído suave nos sussuro."

He sat down next to me. "Our song, remember?" He gave me the rose. I nodded. "Do you want to sing it with me?" Again, I nodded. León took my hand and pulled me up.

We walked back inside and we directly walked to the stage. The music started playing.

I started singing and tried to remember the dance. "Tras las nubes siempre va a estar el sol," I wrapped my arms around León from behind him. He took my hand and looked me in the eyes.

Before I even realized, we got to the chorus. We did the dance we came up with all those years ago. I jumped up and he spun me around.

León led me to the edge of the stage and we both sat down. He was still holding my hand and then looked into my eyes.

"En tus ojos veo el mundo de color," I nearly got lost in those eyes, but then rememberd we were performing.

"En tus brazos descubrí yo el amor," León then stood up for his next line. As the song came to the pre-chorus I stood up and came face to face with León.

"Pues lo que siento es," the song nearly came to an end, León picked me up and held me in bridal style. We looked into each others eyes. "Amor."

In the background, I could faintly hear people clapping and cheering but I could only focus on León's eyes. León carried me off the stage and then put me down again.

I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could say something Camila had already pulled me away from him. "Vilu! That looked so magical!" She beamed.

I nodded, with a small smile on my face. "It felt like I never lost him." I told her. I looked over at León and saw he was talking with Diego and Francesca. He saw me looking and quickly winked at me.

"Oh, my, Vilu, you're blushing!" Camila whisper-shouted at me. Her saying that made me blush even more.

"Cami, stop." I put a hand on my cheek and it was still heating up. She threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Chica, you still love him. That connection between you two is so strong and special, it will never, ever go away." Together we walked towards Diego, Francesca and León.

"Vilu! You were amazing!" Francesca said as Camila and I reached them. León cleared his throat. All of us looked at him. Francesca rolled her eyes. "You were pretty good, too, León."

León threw an arm over my shoulder. "We are a great team." He commented. Again, my cheeks started to heat up.

It was about two hours and a lot of songs later when my father walked up to me. "Are you ready to go home?" He asked. I looked around and saw that a lot of people were also starting to leaved. I nodded and linked my arm with his.

We went to say goodbye to everyone and thanked them for a great evening.

"Uhm, sir," I heard León say from behind us. My father turned around. "Would it be alright if I took Violetta home?"

"León, you're a great guy, but,"

"Germán," thank God for Angie. She went to stand next to my father. "Leave those two alone. Vilu is old enough to make her own choices." She stated.

"But," dad started to protested.

"No. Now Vilu, we will see you in the morning. Germán, start walking." Dad was about to protest again. "Now." She commanded.

"Let's go." León said as we saw Angie and my dad walk out of the door with Federico and Ludmila. I nodded and followed León outside.

Picture: Vilu's outfit. Watching Jorge and Tini perform Nuestro Camino makes me very happy, for some reason. ❤

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