24 - León / Violetta

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León's POV

I came off the stage with a big smile on my face. "It's good to have you back, León!" Andrés said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. The other boys nodded in agreement.

"Let me tell you, it's great to be back. I missed performing. But then again, I enjoyed being on the track as well." The guys all nodded. They all went away to call their girlfriends. I sat down on a couch. I opened the calander in my phone. We had been touring through Latin-America for two and half months now. Only one more week until we're in Argentina. Only a few more weeks until Violetta and I will become parents.

I quickly dialed her phone number and put the phone to my ear. I waited for her to answer the phone. I frowned when she didn't. "León!" I looked up to Federico. "It's time for the meet and great." I nodded.

"Give me one more minute, please." Federico nodded as he left. I dialed the number of the home phone. Again, no answer. I called her a few more times, but got no response. I stood up from the couch as I dialed Diego's number. I began walking to the Meet & Great room. "Come on, answer."

The guys all looked at me with weird looks on their faces. "León, I need to,-"

I let out a sigh. "Diego! Is Vilu with you?" I asked, with panic in my voice. "I've called her a million times but she's not answering the phone! And if she's not with you can you go check on her? Did I already mention that she isn't-,"

"León! When can you come home?"

I frowned. "I'm not sure. What happened? Is she alright? Is she okay? Is our baby okay? Diego, talk to me!" I heard a scream in the background. My eyes widened. "Is that Violetta?"

"Calm down and let me talk to you, León." I sighed. "Okay, so, first of all, I tried to call you multiple times." He began.  Hm, I didn't notice. "Second,-" Diego's stopped talking. I frowned, what happened? I walked away from the Meet & Great room.

"León!" My eyes lit up by the sound of Violetta's voice. "Get on the first flight back home, now! The baby is coming." My eyes widened.

No, no, no! I'll miss the birth of my own child! No, this can not be happening!

"León! Get your ass over here! The Meet & Great is going to start!" Our manager appeared on my side.

I pushed him aside. "Are you at the hospital?" I asked Violetta. I heard a few groans on the other line of the phone. "Vilu? Violetta, hello? Are you still there?"

"León, it's Diego again. She's probably giving birth at your house." My eyes widened. Excuse me? At our house? "If we have to take her to the hospital now, she'll probably give birth in my car and we all know that won't hapen."

I ran a hand through my hair. "Tell her I'm on my way home." Diego and I said goodbye. I walked over to the guys, who were all waiting for me. "I'm going home." I announced.

"What?! León, you can't just leave again! We're in the middle of a tour here!" Our manager said with an angry look on his face. I shrugged.

I began walking to the dressing room to grab a coat. Everyone followed me. "Why are you leaving? León, if you miss Violetta, we'll be in Buenos Aires in no time. Just stay here, man. Come on." Andrés said.

I turned around. "And miss the birth of my child? No thank you." I put my coat on and began to walk out of the venue.

"León, she's not due for another few weeks." Maxi said. I turned around and raised an eyebrow at the boys. All their eyes went wide. "Oh my God! Violetta is giving birth!" Maxi said. I nodded. I exited the venue.

I walked to our van. "To the airport, please." I turned to the boys. "Are you coming with me or are you staying here?" Federico and Andrés waisted no time and got in the van. I looked at Broduey and Maxi. "Well?"

They looked at each other, but also got in the van. The driver quickly began to drive us to the airport. "Are you nervous?" Federico asked.

I shrugged.  "I'm just angry at myself right now. I mean, I knew she could go into labour before we'd be in Argentina. I shouldn't have gone back to the band. And now I'm missing the birth of our first baby."

Shortly after, we arrived at the airport. I ran inside to the front desk. "Is there a plane leaving to Buenos Aires any time soon?" I asked, out of breath. The lady at the desk began to look through the computer.

"There is one leaving in twenty minutes." I smiled at the lady. "But, there is only one seat available." She said. She looked at all of us. "So, who can I put on the passenger list?"

"Obviously León." Federico said. They all nodded in agreement. Federico looked at the lady standing at the desk. "Put León Vargas on the passenger list." She nodded. Federico gave me a pat on the back.  "We'll see you in a few days, yeah? Now, go have a baby!"

I gave them all a quick hug and then ran off to the gate.

Violetta's POV

This hurts. This hurts so bad. I squeezed Diego's hand tightly. "When is León coming here? Or the doctor? And why can't I go to the hospital?" I bombared Diego with a million questions, to which I knew he didn't have the answer.

"Just relax, Vilu. León will be here as soon as he can. As for the doctor, should be here soon. And you're apparently too far dilated or something like that, so if we were to drive to the hospital you'd give birth in my new car. So, no. You'll give birth here."

I chuckled. Diego and his new car. The door opened and the doctor walked in. "Miss Castillo." She shook my hand then looked at Diego. "The father of the baby, I assume?"

"No!" Diego and I loudly said.

"Uh, he's my best friend's boyfriend. The baby's father is,-"

The doctor interrupted me, "not in the picture?"

I frowned. "Uh, yes he is. He's on the first flight back. He was on a tour with his band." I told the doctor. I let out another scream as I felt another contraction hit me. "Get this baby out of me!" The door opened again and Angie stormed in.

"I'm not too late, am I?" She sat down on the bed next to me. I shook my head. Angie wiped some sweat away from my forehead. "It's going to be fine. Do you want your dad to be in here with you? Because he's downstairs with Francesca and Aria."

I shook my head. "I want León here!" I whined. "He promised he'd be here." I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "I want León!" I cried out again.

Diego quickly ran out of the room. I frowned. Weirdo. "Alright, Miss Castillo, you're nearly ready to push. I suggest getting some towels," she looked at Angie. Angie stood up and walked to the en-suite bathroom. "I'll be getting myself ready then."

I nodded. Angie returned with a pile of towels. She sat down on the bed next to me again. She stroked through my hair. "You'll do great. And I'll be here with you every step of the way." I put my head on her shoulder.

"I love you, Angie."

She kissed my temple. "I love you, too, Vilu."

The doctor walked back in to the room. "Alright, Miss Castillo, let's get your baby."

I refuse to. I refuse to have this baby without León here. "No. Not without León." I stubbornly said. Angie rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand.

"Vilu, your little baby wants to be born. We can't wait for León." She softly told me. I shook my head as more tears fell from my eyes. "Vilu, come on. You can do this. Make León proud of," The door flew open and Diego ran in with my laptop in his hands.

He placed it on the bed. "Diego, what is this?" He opened the laptop and I was met with León smiling face. "León!"

"Hey babe, ready to have this baby?"

I nodded through my tears. "I am now."

Did you like it? I hope you did, because I have so little inspiration right now, haha. Favourite part? Did you like Diego's action as much as I did? Let me know in the comments. Also, will it be a little boy or a little girl?

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