chapter 1

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some mature content

Kyle's pov

It was the last weekend before Summer ended, and I was at Tolkien's party that he throws every year. I was talking to Jimmy, when Kenny came up to me.

"Hey Kyle, can I see you for a second?" He smirked.

I knew exactly what he wanted me for.

"Yeah, sure." I said, following him.

Kenny led me to the bathroom, closing the door before pushing me against it, kissing me roughly.

"Kenny, what if someone saw us come in here or sees us coming out?" I asked once he pulled away, "We're gonna get caught eventually."

"Dude relax, mostly everyone is too drunk and won't remember anything anyway." Kenny said, now kissing my neck.

Kenny and I have been hooking up for the past month. It just started out as hand jobs and blow jobs, but it progressed to more a couple weeks ago. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this though. Maybe I shouldn't have given up everything to Kenny, even with how I feel about him. He didn't want an actual relationship. I told him I was okay with that, and I was at the time, but as time went on, I started to develop feelings for him, and I realized I did want more.

Last week Kenny and I were at my house, laying in my bed after sex, when I turned to him.

  "So you ever think about our relationship being more than...just sex?"

  "What's wrong with sex?" Kenny asked me

  "Nothing," I answered, "but, what if we had a more romantic relationship as well."

  "Kyle, you know I'm not relationship material." He lightly laughed.

"I don't know...maybe..."

Kenny started kissing my neck, distracting me, "Round two?"

"Yeah, okay." I agreed.

I tried to have this conversation with him at least twice, and he always distracts me in that way. At least I have something with him.

I tangled my fingers in Kenny's hair, as he left a couple hickeys. We were both soon undressed, and Kenny had me bent over the sink. Thankfully, the music was so loud so that I didn't have to worry about holding back my moans as Kenny thrusted into me.

Stan's pov

I was looking for Kyle at Tolkien's party, and I found him in the kitchen, getting a beer.

"Hey dude." I said, walking up to him.

"Hey." He gave me a half smile.

"How much have you had to drink tonight?" I asked him, "You're walking kinda weird."

"I-I'm fine dude." He said.

"And your face is red," I told him, "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah dude, really, I'm fine."

I've been thinking about asking out Kyle for awhile now, but maybe I shouldn't tonight. He does seem kinda drunk. Maybe I'll just wait until tomorrow.

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