chapter 16

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Kenny's pov

I was gonna ask Butters to be my boyfriend today. He likes me, but does he like me that much? I started to feel kind of nervous as I texted him.

Kenny: just got 2 school. Omw 2 the art room

Butters: ok! :)

I instantly smiled when I saw Butters, like always, and he smiled back.

"Hi Kenny!"

  "Hey." I joined him at his table, "What are you working on?"

"We're doing landscapes, I'm just adding some finishing touches." Butters told me.

  "That looks great." I told him.

I really think that liking Butters will help get me over Kyle.

"What?" Butters asked me.


"You're staring." He told me.

"Sorry, you're just so cute it's hard not to stare at you." I winked.

Butters blushed, like usual when I flirted with him. That just made him cuter.

  "Done." Butters said, after a couple of minutes.

  "You're really good at painting." I said to him.

  "Really?" He asked.

  "Yeah." I smiled, grabbing his hands in mine.

  "Thanks Kenny." He smiled back.

  "You know, we still have a couple minutes until the bell rings..." I said, leaning closer to him.

  "Yeah." He smiled, leaning in as well.

  Butters and I ended up making out until the bell rang, not long enough though.

"Maybe we can come in here during lunch again?" I asked him.

"Can we...kiss again?" Butters asked, as his face turned red.

"Definitely." I smirked.


  I wanted to wait until after school to ask Butters to be my boyfriend, but I was worried that he would think I'm just leading him on if I wait any longer. I was anxious when lunch came around.

  I walked into the art room, seeing Butters.

  "Hey!" He smiled.

  "Hey." I also smiled, sitting next to him.

"Here." He said, immediately giving me half of his sandwich.

"Dude, you don't have to give me half your food again." I told him.

"I'm not that hungry," he shrugged, "it's okay!"

"Well, thanks." I gave him a small smile.

"No problem!" He also smiled.

  "So um...I wanted to ask you something." I told him.

  "Okay!" Butters smiled.

  "What if we were together officially?" I asked, "Like, boyfriends?"

His eyes went wide, but he smiled, "Yes! I would love to be boyfriends!"

  I smiled too, pulling him into a kiss.


  After school, Butters and I went to his house since his parents were working late. We watched a movie and ate snacks, cuddled up on the couch.

  I just know this could turn into something great.

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