chapter 27

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Kyle's pov

  The next day at school, I stayed in my car until it was time for first period. I just didn't want to see Stan or Kenny more than I have to. I walked into first period with my head down. I could feel eyes on me, and i knew that it was Stan.

Stan's pov

  The moment I saw Kyle walk into class, it was like my heart stopped. He looked so sad. I wanted to run up to him and hug him and kiss him. I'm so fucking in love with him but I can't get over this heartbreak he caused. I have to let him go. 

  The whole day was like this. Kyle wouldn't even look at me. It hurt, but this is for the better.


  It was lunch time, and I didn't see Kyle anywhere.

  "You're looking for him, aren't you?" Wendy asked.

  "What?" I asked her.

  "You're looking for Kyle?" She asked me.

  "Just...wondering how he's doing...." I answered.

  "Stan," Wendy began, "you're both so obviously in love with each other, you should just talk it through."

  "We tried," I sighed, "and we ended up breaking up."

Kyle's pov

  I sat in my car during lunch. I can't sit with my friends, because that includes Kenny and Butters. I have nothing against Butters, but I would feel so awkward if Kenny already told him about our kiss. Also, this way I didn't have to see Stan.


  It was now Friday and I was doing pretty good at avoiding Stan and Kenny.

I got home that night, already feeling exhausted. I threw myself on my bed, before hearing a knock on my door.

  "Kyle, can I come in?" Ike asked.

  "Yeah, come in." I told him.

"How you feeling?" He asked me.

I sighed, "Not good."

  "Sorry dude," Ike began, "I was sure you weren't, just wanted to ask anyway."

  "Thanks, but I'll be fine...eventually..." I said.

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