chapter 2

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Kyle's pov

I woke up the next day, to texts from Kenny and Stan.

Kenny: u seemed kinda off after we fucked in the bathroom. u ok?

Stan: hey dude! is it cool if i come over later?

That's right, Stan thought I was drunk last night, when really, Kenny was just a little rough with me. Not that I minded it though. I decided to text Kenny first.

Kyle: yea im fine dude

Kenny: can i come over tonight?

Kyle: yea definitely ;)

Before I could text Stan back, my phone started ringing, and I saw that it was Stan.

"Hey dude!" I answered.

"You okay man?" Stan asked, "It's one in the afternoon."

"Oh really?" I asked, looking over at my clock, "Damn, didn't mean to sleep that long."

"Yeah, you were pretty drunk last night." Stan said.

"Yeah I was.." I lied.

"Hangover?" He asked.

"Nah I'm fine." I told him.

"So can I come over?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon." I answered.

"Okay, later!" Stan said.

Stan's pov

I was anxious when I arrived at Kyle's house. Ever since he came out as bi last year, I wanted to ask him out, but it took me so long to get the courage. I was definitely doing it now though. The longer I wait, the more of a chance there is for someone else to get to him first. I knocked on his door, and his brother answered.

"Oh, hey Ike." I said to him.

"Hey," he moved to let me in, "Kyle's in his room."

I went up to Kyle's room, and just before I knocked on his door, he opened it.

"Oh, hey dude." Kyle smiled.

"Hey." I returned it.

"I was just about to go downstairs." He said.

"Okay, but...first I wanna talk to you, in private." I told him.

"Oh, okay." He said, confused.

We walked into his room, and he closed the door, and we sat on his bed.

"So..what's up?" Kyle asked.

"Well tell the truth, I like you Kyle.....I've liked you for about a year." I told him.

"Really?" Kyle's eyes widened.

"Yeah," I blushed, "and, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, like a date?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," He smiled, "yeah sure."

"So, you want to get dinner and see a movie later?" I smiled.

"Yeah," Kyle still smiled, "that sounds great!"

"Okay, so, how about I pick you up around 7:00?" I suggested.

"Okay, sounds good." Kyle said.

Kyle's pov

I have a date with Stan. That's so weird to think, but I'm actually excited. I don't feel that way about Stan, but he's cute, and he likes me. I'm sure a date can change how I feel. I had just finished getting dressed, when I got a text from Kenny.

Kenny: cant wait to see u later ;)

I completely forgot that I told Kenny he could come over tonight. I feel bad for cancelling on Kenny when he asked first, but we just had sex last night, so I was more looking foward to the date. I haven't been on one in awhile.

Kyle: sorry dude! I forgot u wanted to meet up and i told Stan that we could hang out tonight

Kenny: thats ok dude! maybe some other time

Kyle: yeah sure thing!

"Kyle!" I heard Ike call from downstairs, "Stan is here for you!"

I grew anxious as I walked downstairs.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey, ready to go?" Stan smiled.

"Yeah, let's go!" I smiled.

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