chapter 26

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Kenny's pov

At the end of the day, I was meeting up with Butters in the parking lot like usual.

"Hi-wait Kenny, what happened to your face?!" He asked worriedly.

"Um...Stan punched me..." I told him.

"What?! Why?!" He asked me.

"Butters...I need to tell you something," I said, walking to my car "let's get into my car."

"Okay." Butters said, joining me.

"So um...I don't know how you're gonna react to this, but just know how much I like you and care about you." I told him.

"Go ahead." Butters said.

"So, I told you before we got together that I liked someone and didn't do anything about it and now they're with someone else," I began, "well that person was Kyle... we kind of used to hook up sometimes, and we were talking yesterday and he was saying that we we need to forget eveything between us, and in a moment of weakness...I kissed him. Stan saw, and that's why he punched me. I just wanted to be honest with you and tell you how sorry I am...but if you don't want to be with me anymore, I understand."

Butters was silent for a moment, before grabbing my hands, "I am upset, but I still want to be with you."

"Really?" I asked, "I basically cheated on you."

"I know, and it hurts," Butters started, "but you were honest with me, and that's very important in a relationship."

"I'll make this up to you babe, I promise." I told him.

Kyle's pov

I was lying in my bed just staring at the ceiling. Basically it's just what I've been doing all day. Breaking up sucks. I don't feel like doing anything. I was taken out of my thoughts when there was a knock on my bedroom door.


"Come in Ike." I told him.

"You feeling better?" He asked, opening the door.

"Eh." I shrugged.

"You have a fever?" Ike asked.

I sighed, "I'm not sick Ike."

"You're not?" He asked, confused.

"No, I'm just...Stan broke up with me." I said sadly.

Ike rushed over to me, "Damn, you okay?"

"No, not really." I sighed.

"You wanna talk about it?" Ike asked me.

"No," I answered, "I kind of just want to be alone right now."

"Okay, well, I'll be in my room if you change your mind." Ike gave me a small smile.


I woke up the next day to a text.

Butters: birthday party this saturday! you're all invited :)

I don't know if I could go. Not only cause I'm grounded, but I couldn't face Kenny out of school, and it would so awkward to face Butters if Kenny told him what happened. Stan was also included in the group text. I can't face him out of school either. I'm not even sure if Stan will go. I'm sure he doesn't want to see Kenny, and he might think that I'm going and he doesn't want to see me.

Stan's pov

Butters invited me to his birthday party. I wonder if Kenny told him that he cheated on him like he said he would. I see that he also invited Kenny. I know Butters, he would probably forgive Kenny if he did tell him. Butters also invited Kyle. I know he can't come cause he's grounded, but I still don't want to see Kenny.

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