chapter 7

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Kenny's pov

I hope Kyle couldn't tell how upset I was when I left his house.

I like Kyle. I really do. If I wasn't so scared of commitment, maybe we could be together. But I know Kyle deserves better. Now matter how much I like him, he'd be better off with Stan.

Stan's pov

I got to Kyle's house that night, really excited for our date tonight. It's nothing special, but I was finally gonna try to kiss him! I can't stop thinking about kissing him.

"So, what were you thinking about doing tonight?" Kyle asked me.

"I don't know, bowling okay?" I suggested.

"Anything is fine, I just like spending time with you." Kyle blushed.

"You're so adorable." I laughed.

Kyle's pov

I was having so much fun with Stan tonight. The whole night was just us joking around and flirting with each other.

When we left the bowling alley, instead of taking me home, Stan stopped near Starks Pond.

"You wanna go for a walk?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sounds good." I said.

We got out of the car, and Stan held his hand out. I smiled, taking it.

After we walked for a bit, Stan lied on the ground, propping himself up with his elbows, "Let's just lay here and look at the stars."

"Okay." I smiled, joining him.

"So Kyle?" He turned to face me.

"Yeah?" I asked

Stan didn't say anything, just leaned closer to me, and I did the same. Stan held the side of my face as he kissed me, as I slipped my tongue in his mouth.

"Woah, wasn't expecting that." Stan smirked.

"Well, did you like it?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled, pulling me into another kiss, this time slipping his tongue in my mouth.

After making out for awhile, Stan was laying his head against my chest, and I had my arm wrapped around him.

"Kyle, can I ask you something?" Stan asked, looking up at me.

"You can ask me anything." I told him.

"Um, you wanna be my boyfriend?" He blushed.

"Yes," I smiled, "I want to be your boyfriend."

Stan smiled, kissing my lips again.


"I had a great time with you tonight." Stan smiled, dropping me off at my house.

"So did I." I smiled back.

We shared one last kiss for the night, and Stan left, and I went inside.

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